Hey there! Welcome to Elixio Uninstaller, your new best friend for keeping your Windows PC clean and tidy. 😎
Elixio Uninstaller is a cool little app I whipped up in Python. It helps you see all the stuff installed on your Windows computer and lets you kick out the apps you don't want anymore. No more digging through control panel or settings - it's all right here!
- Shows you all the apps chillin' on your PC
- Let's you sort 'em however you like (by name, size, or when you installed 'em)
- Right-click to yeet any app you don't want
- Checks if there's a cooler, newer version of itself
- Has a fancy loading bar so you're not left wondering what's happening
- Python 3.7 or newer (cause we're not living in the stone age)
- A bunch of Python libraries:
- tkinter (for making it look pretty)
- customtkinter (for making it look even prettier)
- requests (for chatting with the internet)
- winreg (for sneaking around the Windows registry)
- threading (for doing multiple things at once, like a boss)
- datetime (for knowing what day it is)
- subprocess (for running other programs)
- shutil (for moving files around)
- json (for reading config files)
- os and sys (for general Python goodness)
Grab the code:
git clone https://github.com/LupuC/elixio_uninstaller.git cd elixio_uninstaller
Install the extra stuff:
pip install customtkinter requests
Fire it up:
python main.py
- Head over to: https://github.com/LupuC/elixio_uninstaller/releases
- Download the latest .exe and .json (otherwise, it won't work) files
- Double-click and enjoy!
If you find any, let me know.
- The uninstaller doesn't start the uninstall process on all the items that are shown (Important!)
It's basically a nosy little program that digs through your Windows Registry (don't worry, it's allowed) to find all the apps you've got. Then it puts on a fancy tkinter suit to show you everything in a nice window. It can even check GitHub to see if it needs to update itself - pretty smart, huh?
Hey, if you've got ideas to make this even more awesome, go for it! Fork the repo, make it better, and show me what you've got. I'm always up for learning new tricks!
This project is under the MIT License - basically, do whatever you want with it, just don't blame me if something goes wrong. Check out the LICENSE file for the boring details.
- Big thanks to the customtkinter folks for making tkinter look like it's from this century
- Whoever came up with the idea of loading bars - you're the real MVP
Now go forth and uninstall with power! 💪🖥️