
Originally this was to be a collection of programs I wrote during my own survival playthroughs. But at this point, it's mutated into a collection of programs I've written for PeculiarPineTree's A Thinking Pack 2 let's play. However, many of the programs should be useful to any CC using MineCrafter.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Add this to the top of your file to automatically fetch any modules that you are missing when you require them. Alternativly, put it into its own file and require that file when you would put this code at the top.

This snippet is based on the one from Metis, but it's very heavily modified at this point.

Or if this tracker is red, then you'll want to use the original file. Embed code in README

-- TODO: it would be nice if this could be added to startup
-- I don't fancy making a custom shell
package.loaders[#package.loaders + 1] = function(name)
    if not name:find("^lupus590%.") then
        return nil, "not a Lupus590 module"

    -- strip off namespace and extention, convert to path, and put the extention back on
    name = name:gsub("^lupus590%.", ""):gsub("%.lua$",""):gsub("%.", "/")..".lua"

    local localPathRoot = "/.cache/lupus590/"

    -- built in doesn't have pocket and advanced and such like APIs do, if this changes then we just need to add the appropriate part here
    local paths = {"main/", n=1}
    if turtle then
        paths.n = paths.n + 1
        paths[paths.n] = "turtle/"
    if command then
        paths.n = paths.n + 1
        paths[paths.n] = "command/"

    local rootUrl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lupus590-CC/CC-Survival-Programs/master/assets/computercraft/lua/rom/modules/"

    local downloadErrors = {n=0}
    for _, path in ipairs(paths) do
        local localPath = localPathRoot .. path .. name
        if not fs.exists(localPath) then
            local url = rootUrl .. path .. "lupus590/" .. name
            local request, err = http.get(url)
            if request then
                io.open(localPath, "w"):write(request.readAll()):close()
                downloadErrors.n = downloadErrors.n + 1
                downloadErrors[downloadErrors.n] = "Cannot download " .. url .. ": " .. err

        if fs.exists(localPath) then
            local fn, err = loadfile(localPath, nil, _ENV)
            if fn then
                return fn, localPath
                return nil, err
    return nil, table.concat(downloadErrors, "\n")