Todo List written in Nuxt 3 with C# ASP.NET CQRS backend

How to run backend?

  1. docker compose up --build -d
  2. Run backend with Visual Studio
  • Optionally use
  • Only use if you got msbuild.exe in environment variables
  • Optionally compile it with visual studio or msbuild and then run it

How to run frontend

  1. Copy .env.example and rename it to .env
  2. Change variables of .env to match backend api
  3. yarn install
  4. yarn dev
  5. Open browser on localhost:3000

How to see todos for given date?

  1. Set date in Data: input field
  2. Should automatically refresh

How to add todos

  1. Set title
  2. Set description
  3. Set Todo date
  4. Click Dodaj

How to remove todos

  1. Select todo you want to remove and click Usuń

How to edit todos

  1. Change something in title description or date of given todo and click Edytuj

How tasks in hour works?

  1. Task in hour works by calculating every task in an hour


  1. Problems with docker?
  • Run script