
Just config file and binary from my computer

Primary LanguageShellThe UnlicenseUnlicense


This repository contains various configuration files and binaries from my computer setup. It's a collection of personal dotfiles aimed to streamline the setup of my development environment.


yay -S grimblast gpu-screen-recorder hyprpicker python-gpustat aylurs-gtk-shell-git pipewire bluez \ 
    bluez-utils btop networkmanager dart-sass brightnessctl python gnome-bluetooth-3.0 btop cava \ 
    fastfetch geany hyprland hyprpaper hyprlock hypridle kitty zsh nvim lvim mpv rofi yazi zed git \ 
    uncrustify latexindent networkmanager-dmenu-git pamixer ags-hyprpanel-git python-pywal

oh-my-posh oh-my-zsh


Clone the repository and run install.sh to set up the configuration files on your system.


This project is licensed under the Unlicense.