
2d platforming fighting game

Primary LanguageC


2d platforming fighting game

Arrow keys to move, 'x' to attack, 'c' to roll. Crouching (down) heals you with a slight delay

Hosting a Server

Alter the port value in the 'settings' file to change hosted ported. This port needs to be forwarded for online use. 'disconectDelay' represents the amount of seconds a server will wait between receiving packets from the client before disconnecting them. 'forceDisconnectDelay' if by this time in seconds a server has not received a disconnection from the client, it will force close the connection.

Running the Client

In order to start playing the game, the "startgame" command must be used. Open the console by pressing the '~/`' key located in the top left of your keyboard. Type the following (without quotes) to play offline (debugging) "/startgame 0"

To play online type the following (without quotes) "/startgame 1" This will connect you to the server and port specified in the client "settings.json" file

The Stage Editor

To go into the stage editor type "/startgame 2 <stage_name>" Where <stage_name> is the name of a png image (without the extension) that you want to load to edit. If a stage has saved with that image, it will load it.

While in the stage editor: shift + left click = solid terrain shift + right click = climbable right click in box = change type left click + drag in box = move left click + drag on edfe = resize

red = collideable blue = climbable green = default spawn faded green = capable spawn

The command /save <stage_name> will save the stage. Must use the same name as the png image, without the extension. The command /load is the same, but loads the stage.