Medi-connect(now Med Space) is an online hospital appointment booking website. Visit our website, Make sure the check the announcement... LEAVE US A ⭐...
Pinned issues
- 5
[Feat] Improving the UI of footer
#317 opened by Suvadip-sana - 0
[Bug] Lab Test button is not visible on mobile view
#321 opened by Anwishta - 0
[Bug] : Light/Dark Toggle Theme not working as expected on Blog/LabTest/OPD Buttons Click
#349 opened by rajgharat07 - 1
#355 opened by neerajsharma897 - 0
- 15
Bug : Giving an error while registering
#284 opened by VinayLodhi1712 - 0
- 2
[Feat] : Add ESLint and Integrate with Prettier for Code Consistency in Backend
#346 opened by tejasbenibagde - 0
[Feat] Chatbot for Doctor Appointment Booking
#351 opened by Anwishta - 1
[Bug] Load More button
#327 opened by subrataCS - 4
- 0
[Bug] translate dropdown in footer dissapears when changed to other language and navigated to other pages
#331 opened by Luson045 - 2
[Feat] Add Navbar and Footer to lab test page
#330 opened by Anwishta - 3
- 0
[Bug] remove the scrollbar from below
#332 opened by Luson045 - 0
[Feat] To Implement the Google Translate Functionality in multiple languages.
#336 opened by rebornstar1 - 1
[Feat] Redesigning the UI of the login page which should be ideally relevant to the navbar
#337 opened by rebornstar1 - 1
- 2
[Feat] Add Functionality for Filtering Search Results by Lab Name on lab Test Page.
#339 opened by grasyPatel - 2
- 1
[Bug] Spelling Mistake in the Word "Service"
#326 opened by Abhi0049k - 2
[Feat] Redesign Form Layout in registerOPD page for Better Usability, Visual Appeal, and Responsiveness
#333 opened by Md-SabbirHosen - 7
- 3
[Feat]: Responsive Progress Bar Implementation
#328 opened by Trevisx07 - 1
- 1
[Add Marquee Animation ] Ading a marquee Animation from right to left for all reviews given by user at slow speed
#320 opened by dev129 - 1
- 0
book past dates bug
#323 opened by AyushSharma72 - 1
[Feat] Multilingual Support to the media-connect
#309 opened by IkkiOcean - 1
[Feat] Enhancing password security by including atleast one capital letter, number, special character
#294 opened by LitZeus - 2
Giving warning about password length early
#278 opened by G-Rajashekar - 2
[Bug] Add hover effect to homepage
#310 opened by devarsheecodess - 2
[Feat] Implementation of Specialist Directory
#307 opened by yeshwanth-ds - 2
- 2
- 2
[Feat] Improvement in the Our services page
#306 opened by Jay-1409 - 2
[Bug] Menu bar is not responsive in mobile view
#295 opened by Rahul7raj - 1
[Bug] Fix Folder Structure for Frontend
#299 opened by Abhi0049k - 3
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 1
Adding validation in OPD Registration page
#277 opened by Pushpa472 - 2
[Feat] Modal to confirm Logout
#289 opened by 17arindam - 2
[Feat] Edit User Profile
#290 opened by 17arindam - 2
- 3
#281 opened by Ketanop321 - 2
UI update in navbar
#272 opened by amitroy-thedev - 1
[BUG] Navbar issue in mobile devices
#273 opened by Durga-prasad-1 - 0
#282 opened by Ketanop321