
A small Python library for standardising the same logging functions I keep writing for every script.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A small Python library for standardising the same logging functions I keep writing for every script.


Simply clone the repo into your project:

git clone https://github.com/Lut99/logging-py ./logging

or, if you want to be able to stay up-to-date:

git submodule add https://github.com/Lut99/logging-py ./logging

(don't forget to clone your own repository with git clone --recursive if you do)


Then, you can add:

import logging

at the top of your file.

The following functions are exposed:

  • def pdebug(text: str, end: str = '\n', use_colour: Optional[bool] = None, file: TextIOWrapper = sys.stderr)
  • def pinfo(text: str, end: str = '\n', use_colour: Optional[bool] = None, file: TextIOWrapper = sys.stderr)
  • def pwarn(text: str, end: str = '\n', use_colour: Optional[bool] = None, file: TextIOWrapper = sys.stderr)
  • def perror(text: str, end: str = '\n', use_colour: Optional[bool] = None, file: TextIOWrapper = sys.stderr)

All of them have the same behaviour and arguments (roughly), except that the log levels (and therefore styling) of the statements varies.

  • text: The message to display.
  • end: Something to print at the end of the message. By default, this is a newline.
  • use_colour: Whether to use colour or not. Use None to try and deduce it automagically (default: None).
  • file: The file on which to write the message. Defaults to stdout for pdebug and pinfo, defaults to stderr for pwarn and perror.

Then the script also exposes:

def set_debug(enable: bool)

which allows one to control whether pdebug() does anything. By default, does not print anything unless set_debug(True) is called.


Feel free to contribute to the script! Either raise an issue or create a pull request.


This project is licensed under Apache 2.0. See LICENSE for more details.