Device Manager
pip install flask pip install flask_socketio pip install requests pip install mysql-connector pip install discord_webhook
May Need pip install mysql-connector-python
Put your Device UUID's and names in the RDM_Devices Folder
Specify your UI Control Folder in the same directory as the script plug in your DB info and backend url info and run python in a console. To exit out and stop all devices use control C in the same terminal window
Change the user in the DeviceConfigJson to something specific to you. You will need to log in for the first time on a browser using the username and password you specify in the config
Hit localhost:8887/DeviceManager/GetDeviceStatus to see your options of stuff to do for devices.
For Device Manage UI
CREATE TABLE rdmdb.DeviceManagerDevices (
uuid varchar(255) Primary Key ,
device_id varchar(255) ,
last_seen int(11) unsigned,
instance_name varchar(255),
account_username varchar(255),
fastIV tinyint(1) unsigned Default 0,
enableAccountManager tinyint(1) Default 1,
enabled tinyint(1) Default 0,
workspace_folder varchar(255),
backendURL varchar(255),
deviceStatus varchar(255),
IpaPath varchar(255),
deviceGroup varchar(255) Default '1',
DeviceManagerHost varchar(255)
CREATE TRIGGER updateDeviceManagerTable
UPDATE DeviceManagerDevices
SET uuid = NEW.uuid
, last_seen = NEW.last_seen
, instance_name = NEW.instance_name
, account_username = NEW.account_username
WHERE uuid = NEW.uuid;
END $$
INSERT INTO DeviceManagerDevices ( uuid, account_username, instance_name ) SELECT uuid, account_username, instance_name FROM rdmdb.device
Unzip the DeviceManagerUI folder and edit the username and password in the home-page.compoenents.ts and the device-group.components.ts
run npm install to install dependencies and then run ng serve --open