
Parent status link bugs - No2 "Parent lost all their kids"

LangNerd23 opened this issue · 7 comments


There is a special situation I encounter sometimes, that destroys some of my data, more specifically all children loose their connection to the parent.
(Maybe related to „parent status link bugs – No1“ that I had posted before)

To Reproduce

  1. Choose a term that has no parent yet (and has status 1)
  2. Go into edit mode
  3. Choose a parent from drop down list; choose a term as parent that has already a couple of children with all of them with status_linked yes (in my case these were usually words I had as WellKnown, but probably doesn’t matter)
  4. After having picked the new parent the box status_link had been automatically checked
  5. Unselect the checkbox
  6. Save
  7. Got to term overview and search for the selected parent term; all kids will show up with a different status now (mostly status 1); once they are opened, „link to parent“ is unchecked

A variation of this error has been observed when deleting a non-linked parent from a term. Also in that moment it had happened that the parent lost its other kids.

Extra software info, if not already included in the Description:

  • OS: Windows
  • Browser: Checked both with Chrome and Firefox
  • How you've installed Lute (Docker, python, source): via pip, Version 3.3.2 (couldn’t check with 3.3.3 for the reasons given on discord)

Thanks very much! Will try to reproduce.

Attempt 1: Unable to reproduce, on chrome:

"when" is parent to "the" and "form", "pops" doesn't have a parent yet.


Added "when" as parent to "pops", unchecked the box. On save, everything that was linked before still is.


I'll try again with setting the child statuses to well-known.

Attempt 2, not able to reproduce:

"these" is parent of the other terms next to it, all well-known, the last term is status 1, added "these" parent, deselected checkbox, just before save:


After save, everything is as expected: previously linked still linked, new child isn't linked:


Confirmed the other case, "deleting a non-linked parent from a term", unlinks the other child terms.

he term "blue" above has non-linked parent "these", will delete the parent "these" from "blue". "words" and "are" are both linked to parent "these". Pre-delete is the same as above diagram.

Removing parent from "blue", about to save:


parent term "these" unlinked from both "words" and "are":


This was also consistently reproduced: I set up the same terms and did the same things, and the other parent links were broken again.

Working on a fix. Repeated the above scenario: unlinked parent "these" removed from term "blue", and the other terms that had that parent maintained the existing link:

Fix merged into develop, will be in next launch.

Hi @LangNerd23 -- I believe that this has been fixed with the launch of 3.4.3 (just now). I'll close this issue -- please re-open a new one if you run into more problems with this, and reference this if needed. Cheers and thanks!