
A music player app in electron

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A music app written in electron.


To install in linux, run the install.sh. If API key credentials are not already present, it will prompt you to enter them and then build all the files.
Then it will write a [Desktop Entry] to /usr/share/applications/ so that its available in the GUI app selector of your desktop environment.

This app requires ffmpeg installed and available in the PATH to run

Few Notes

Since I use manjaro, building the project for linux only gives a pacman install file and AppImage. If using linux, you can change pacman to whatever package manager you have as per these configuration options in the build section of package.json. Otherwise, AppImage should work for all linux distros.

Even though mac and windows settings are there, these are very basic and copied from a template. It may or may not work. You can refer to the docs for the builder.

Available Scripts

In the / Directory

To run the app run in developement mode:

yarn start

To run the frontend:

yarn watch

The app will run on localhost:1234

To compile electron ts files:
yarn build:electron

To build the frontend files:
yarn build:react

This lints the frontend files as well. To build without linting, run yarn build:parcel.

To build all the files:

yarn build

Note the above three build commands also lint the project. To build without linting use yarn build:quiet

To pack the app into an exectuable one:

yarn deploy

You can run deploy-l specifically for Linux, deploy-m specifically for MacOS, and deploy-w specifically for Windows.

If files are already built, and the app just needs to be packed:
yarn dist

You can lint the project using:
yarn lint

You can also lint only frontend files with yarn lint:react and only backend files with yarn lint:electron.

To delete all build files:

yarn clean

This won't delete the packaged app files in the release folder.

Rebuild sqlite3:
yarn electron-rebuild

Note this will be required only if you are starting the app manually rather than packing it.


The following error may occur:

Error: Cannot find module '/path/to/project/node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/electron-v7.1-linux-x64/node_sqlite3.node'

If so run the following command:

yarn fix-sqlite3

Wait some time and sqlite3 will be rebuilt.