React add TODO form


Implement ability to add TODOs to the TodoList implemented in Static list of todos

  1. Create App component storing todos array and displaying it with TodoList
  2. Create NewTodo component with a form to add new TODOs
    • please add labels and placeholders where it is needed
    • each TODO should have a title and userId selected from a list of given users (./src/api/users.js)
    • show user names in <select>
    • the TODO should be added to the list after clicking Add button
    • App should add integer id to each TODO (starting from 1)
  3. Clear the form after adding a TODO
  4. Add validation to the form
    • add an empty option Choose a user to the users select
    • before creating a user check if a user was selected, if not show an error next to select (Please choose a user)
    • if a title is empty show an error (Please enter the title)
    • errors should appear only after pressing Add button
  5. Hide an error immediately when you edit a field with an error
  6. (* Optional) Limit characters displayed in the title field. Allow entering spaces and alphanumeric (\w) characters.