
Create easily readable streams from YouTube video url's

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm install yt-stream

What is YT-Stream?

YT-Stream is a package which can download and search YouTube video's. YT-Stream is based on the codes of ytdl-core and play-dl and further extended to create a package which met to my needs.


You can download a video by using the stream function. The stream function has two parameters; the info or url parameter and the options parameter. The options parameter is not required. The first parameter must include the video url or the info that has been received from the info function. The stream function will return a Promise. The Promise will be fullfilled if the video was successfully downloaded. If there was an error, the Promise will be rejected with the error. Once the Promise gets fullfilled it will return the Stream class. The most important properties in the Stream class are:

  • stream: The Readable stream
  • url: The url to download the video or song
  • video_url: The YouTube video url

Optional options are:

  • type: If your download preference is video or audio. If one of the types does not exists, it will download the other download type.
  • quality: The quality of the video (high or low)
  • highWaterMark: The highWaterMark for the Readable stream
  • download: A boolean which defines whether to automatically download and push the chunks in the Readable stream (stream property of the Stream class) the video or not (default true)
const ytstream = require('yt-stream');
const fs = require('fs');

(async () => {
    const stream = await ytstream.stream(`https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ`, {
        quality: 'high',
        type: 'audio',
        highWaterMark: 1048576 * 32,
        download: true

Searching video's

YT-Stream also has a search function. You can easily search a song by using the search function. The search function has one parameter which is the query to search. The query parameter is required. The search function will return a Promise which will be fullfilled if there were no errors while trying to search. The Promise will return an Array with the amount of video's that were found. The items in the Array are the video's with the Video class. The most important properties of the Video class are:

  • url: The video url
  • id: The id of the video
  • author: The author of the video
  • title: The title of the video
const ytstream = require('yt-stream');

(async () => {
    const results = await ytstream.search(`Rick Astley Never Gonna Give You Up`);

    console.log(results[0].url); // Output: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
    console.log(results[0].id); // Output: dQw4w9WgXcQ
    console.log(results[0].author); // Output: Rick Astley
    console.log(results[0].title); // Output: Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video)

Get video info

You can also get information about a specific video. You can use the info function to do this. The info function has one parameter which is the url and is required. The info function will return a Promise which will be fullfilled when the info successfully was received. The Promise returns the YouTubeData class. The most important properties of the YouTubeData class are:

  • url: The video url
  • id: The id of the video
  • author: The author of the video
  • title: The title of the video
  • uploaded: When the video was uploaded
  • description: An object of descriptions (short or full)
  • duration: The duration of the video in seconds
const ytstream = require('yt-stream');

(async () => {
    const info = await ytstream.getInfo(`https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ`);

    console.log(info.url); // Output: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
    console.log(info.id); // Output: dQw4w9WgXcQ
    console.log(info.author); // Output: Rick Astley
    console.log(info.title); // Output: Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video)
    console.log(info.uploaded); // Output: 2009-10-24
    console.log(info.description); // Output: 'The official video for “Never Gonna Give You Up”...'
    console.log(info.duration); // Output: 212000

Get playlist info

You can get information about a specific playlist. You can use the getPlaylist function for this. The getPlaylist function requires one parameter which is the url. The getPlaylist function returns Promise which will be fullfilled when the playlist information has successfully been received. The Promise returns the Playlist class. The most important properties of the Playlist class are:

  • videos: An Array of all the video's (the PlaylistVideo class is used for the video's)
  • title: The title of the playlist
  • author: The author of the playlist
const ytstream = require('yt-stream');

(async () => {
    const info = await ytstream.getPlaylist(`https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk-dXGDrKWvZMVKjPtGaIqqI5eg3U7KSEA`);

    console.log(info.videos); // Output: [Array]
    console.log(info.title); // Output: Some playlist title
    console.log(info.author); // Output: Some playlist author

Setting a user agent

You can easily set a user agent by changing the userAgent property to a user agent.

const ytstream = require('yt-stream');

ytstream.userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:94.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/94.0";

Setting custom headers

It is possible to add custom headers which will be added to each request made. This is possible by using the setGlobalHeaders function.

const ytstream = require('yt-stream');

    'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5'

Agent and cookies

By default, the YT-Stream package automatically handles all cookies. This is being handled by a custom agent. The settings of this agent and the cookies can be configured. This can be done by creating a new instance of the YTStreamAgent and changing the settings of this. The first argument of the constructor should contain an array of cookies you'd like to add inside the request. This array can be left empty. The second argument of the constructor should contain an object with the custom settings for the agent. This custom agent can then be set by using the setGlobalAgent function.

const ytstream = require('yt-stream');

const agent = new ytstream.YTStreamAgent([{
    key: 'SOCS',
    value: 'CAI',
    domain: 'youtube.com',
    expires: 'Infinity',
    sameSite: 'lax',
    httpOnly: false,
    hostOnly: false,
    secure: true,
    path: '/'
}], {
    localAddress: '',
    keepAlive: true,
    keepAliveMsecs: 5e3


Validate YouTube url

You can validate a YouTube url by using the validateURL function. The function requires one parameter which is the string to check whether it is a valid YouTube url or not.

Important: This also validates playlists, to only validate video's use the validateVideoURL function.

const ytstream = require('yt-stream');

console.log(ytstream.validateURL('SomeString')) // Output: false
console.log(ytstream.validateURL('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ')); // Output: true

Validate YouTube video url

You can validate a YouTube video url by using the validateVideoURL function. The function requires one parameter which is the string to check whether it is a valid YouTube video url or not.

const ytstream = require('yt-stream');

console.log(ytstream.validateVideoURL('SomeString')) // Output: false
console.log(ytstream.validateVideoURL('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ')); // Output: true

Validate YouTube video ID

You can validate a YouTube video ID by using the validateID function. The function requires one parameter which is the string to check whether it is a valid YouTube video ID or not.

const ytstream = require('yt-stream');

console.log(ytstream.validateID('SomeString')) // Output: false
console.log(ytstream.validateID('dQw4w9WgXcQ')); // Output: true

Validate YouTube playlist url

You can validate a YouTube playlist url by using the validatePlaylistURL function. The function requires one parameter which is the string to check whether it is a valid YouTube playlist url or not.

const ytstream = require('yt-stream');

console.log(ytstream.validatePlaylistURL('SomeString')) // Output: false
console.log(ytstream.validatePlaylistURL('https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk-dXGDrKWvZMVKjPtGaIqqI5eg3U7KSEA')); // Output: true

Validate YouTube playlist ID

You can validate a YouTube playlist ID by using the validatePlaylistID function. The function requires one parameter which is the string to check whether it is a valid YouTube playlist ID or not.

const ytstream = require('yt-stream');

console.log(ytstream.validatePlaylistID('SomeString')) // Output: false
console.log(ytstream.validatePlaylistID('PLk-dXGDrKWvZMVKjPtGaIqqI5eg3U7KSEA')); // Output: true

Get YouTube ID

You can easily convert a YouTube url to a YouTube ID by using the getID function. The function requires one parameter which is the string to get the YouTube ID from. If the string is an invalid YouTube url, the function will return undefined.

const ytstream = require('yt-stream');

console.log(ytstream.getID('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ')); // Output: dQw4w9WgXcQ

Get video url

You can easily convert a YouTube video ID to a YouTube video url by using the getURL function. The function requires one parameter which is the string to get the YouTube video url from. If the string is an invalid YouTube video ID, the function will return undefined.

const ytstream = require('yt-stream');

console.log(ytstream.getURL('dQw4w9WgXcQ')); // Output: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

For more questions or problems, visit the issue page or send me a DM on Discord (Luuk#8524)