FiveM Server Status

FiveM Server Status Discord Bot A custom discord bot providing functionality for interacting with fiveM servers and a discord community.


  • Need fivemqueue for updating the queue in Status


  • Setting the queue System
  1. Add the included fivemqueue to your server resources
  2. Start the fivemqueue in your server.cfg
  • Setting the bot
  1. Set enviroment variables as described below
URL_SERVER - base url for fiveM server e.g. (don't end with /)
LOG_LEVEL - Int of enum 0-4 specifying level of logs to display with 4 as no logs
BOT_TOKEN - Discord bot token
CHANNEL_ID - channel id for updates to be pushed to
MESSAGE_ID - message id of previous update to edit (not required)
SUGGESTION_CHANNEL - channel to create suggestion embeds in
BUG_CHANNEL - channel to recieve bug reports
BUG_LOG_CHANNEL - channel to log bug reports
LOG_CHANNEL - channel to log status changes
  1. Go and download Node.js recommended version from here
  2. Run Install.bat
  3. Run Update.bat after running install.bat
  4. Then run Start.bat after completing all previous steps
