

Ksm is an interpreted Toy Programming language written in Golang.


  1. It uses a syntax similar to that of the Go Programming Language.

  2. It supports the following data structures, along with built-in methods and functions:

    | Data structure |  Methods     |  Functions |
    | string         | len()        | concat()   |
    |                | substring()  | indexOf()  |
    |                | toUpper()    | toLower()  |
    | boolean        |              |            |
    | null           |              |            |
    | array          | len()        | append()   |
    |                | first()      | last()     |
    |                | slice()      | contains() |
    | struct         |              |            |
    | hash           | keys()       | values()   |
    |                | get()        | set()      |

File Structure pf the Complete langugae interpreter

├── cmd/                      # Main command line entry point
│   └── kisumu.go              # Main Kisumu interpreter
├── lexer/                    # Lexer module for tokenizing input
│   ├── lexer.go               # Lexical analyzer logic
│   └──  lexer_test.go          # Tests for lexer 
├── token/                    # Token module for token definition and helper functions
│   └── token.go               # Token definitions
├── parser/                   # Parser module for constructing AST
│   ├── parser.go              # Recursive descent parser logic
│   └──  parser_test.go         # Tests for parser
├── ast/                      # Abstract Syntax Tree module for node definitions
│   ├── ast.go                 # Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) node definitions
│   └── grammar.go             # Grammar rules and parser utilities
├── interpreter/              # Interpreter module for evaluating AST
│   ├── interpreter.go         # Main interpreter logic
│   ├── interpreter_test.go    # Tests for interpreter
│   ├── environment.go         # Environment for storing variable bindings
│   └── eval.go                # Evaluation of expressions/statements
├── repl/                     # REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop)
│   └── repl.go                # Interactive Kisumu shell for testing
├── types/                    # Kisumu-specific data types
│   ├── types.go               # Type definitions (number, string, boolean, etc.)
│   └── methods.go             # Built-in methods for each type
├── documentation/           # Documentation files
│   ├──
│   ├──
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│   ├──
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│   ├──
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├── go.mod                    # Go module definition
└──                 # Project overview and instructions

Getting Started

To get started with the Kisumu Programming language:

  1. CLone the repository:
git clone
cd kisumu
  1. Install dependancies using Go: go mod tidy

Writing Ksm Programs

Ksm programs use a syntax similar to Go. You can write programs using .ksm files. Here's an example of a simple program:

// Sample progrram in Kisumu 
var "Kisumu";
var number = 42;

if (number > 10) {
    print("The number is greater than 10");

var greeting = "Hello, " + name + "!";


Use the list of links below to navigate the different chapters of the ksm toy programming language Documentation

  1. Project Journal

completed featers

  1. Token Module for token defination and helper functions.

  2. Lexer Module for constructing AST

  3. REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop)

  4. Abstract Syntax Tree module for node definations

Ongoing implementions

  1. Interpreter module for evaluating AST

  2. Ksm-specific data types


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to improve the language.


  1. Stephen Odhiambo
  2. Clifford Otieno
  3. Ouma Godwin
  4. Anne Okingo


This Project is licensed under the MIT License-see the LICENSE file for details.