Python project to find polish license plates from cars front/back images, and recognize chars on them.
Project for Vision Systems subject on Poznan University of Technology in Poland.
- Generate template char images
- generate images from font with Pillow
- remove margins (cut out rectangle from contours)
- add threshold
- Cut out plate image from front/back car photo, based on contours detection
- resize image
- filter image (change color to grey, bilateral filter, gaussian blur)
- find contours (threshold, close, dilate, erode)
- filter contours (approx, area, aspect ratio, width, height)
- crop plate image
- transform cut out to rectangle
- Cut out chars from plate image with contours detection
- resize image
- filter image (change color to grey, bilateral filter, gaussian blur)
- find contours (canny, dilate, erode)
- filter contours (area, aspect ratio, height, remove duplicates with iou, approx)
- crop chars from image
- Compare cut out chars with template chars
- cv2 Template Matching with Square Difference Normed method
- fix mistakes with probability table