FeedBack Widgets

Technologies   |    Project   |    Getting started   |    Screenshot   |    Live Demo   |    License

πŸš€ Technologies

This project was developed with the following technologies:

πŸ’» Project

This project is an application for managing notes and util links, this application allows users to create and register notes. These notes can be used to register ideas, reminders, to-do lists, important information, and other types of information that users want to keep accessible. It works as a service to make small text notes.

πŸš€ Getting started


You must have Node.js and git installed


Open a terminal follow the steps bellow

  1. Clone the repository:

bash $ git clone

  1. server instalation

  • Got to the server directory bash cd server

  • Install depedencies

bash npm install

Runing the server

  • Start the project

bash npm run dev

  1. web instalation

  • Got to the web directory bash cd web

  • Install depedencies

bash npm install

Runing the web

  • Note: Run ther server first
  • Start the project

bash npm run dev

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Contributing

Pull Requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue to discuss what and which kind of changes you want to perform.
Follow these steps to make your contribution.

1. Fork the repository

2. Create your feature branch


To make it easier name this branch with your username or with the name of the feature you added

$ git checkout -b MyFeature

3. Commit your changes

bash $ git commit -m 'Adding my feature'

4. Push to your feature branch

bash $ git push origin MyFeature

5. Open a Pull Request

Let's work together. 😁

πŸ“Έ Screenshot

  • In production

πŸ’» Live Demo

  • In production

πŸ“„ License

This project is under MIT Lincese CLICK HERE to read the file about the license.

Made with ❀ by Luzídio Rafael