
visualization of the tpt triple well example

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  • choosing a colormap (e.g. cmap = 'PuBuGn' or 'CMRmap' or 'viridis_r' or 'inferno_r')

  • visualizing the effective current: (a) either vector field of added f_ij's for each cell i and weighted with the direction, such that it gives the sum of the reactive outflow per cell in the average direction, still missing: the arrow length should be normalized and the strenght indicated by color or arrow thickness, (b) similiar as by Metzner, but only plot effective current to neighbouring cells using triangles (hopefully, effective current to other cells is negligible anyway)

  • colorbar

  • finite-time case: plotting reac_dens and eff_current for times when they are not defined- just empty spot?

  • plotting k_A and k_B rates

the colorbar ticks are not saved in the png file