
Simple google calendar based alarm clock written in node.js and intended to run on a Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

The idea

Alarmclock is a node daemon intended to get events from a special "wake up calendar". All of the events in this calendar will trigger a player to start playing a random video from youtube. Those videos should directly begin with music and not with a long prelude.

The idea behind this project was born from a post on lifehacker showing a similar setup but without youtube integration and the standup meeting music project using a browser to play youtube videos at a specific time. As a Raspberry Pi has some caveats against flash (there is simply no flash) and I didn't managed to get it playing music from youtube using a browser I built in a workaround using youtube-dl and ffmpeg.


  • At first get a Raspberry Pi and some speakers connected to it using 3.5" audio jack
  • Install Raspbian "wheezy" on it
  • git clone this repository in the home directory of the pi user
  • Set up external depencies
    • Create a calendar in your Google account
    • Make this calendar global readable
    • Add some events for your alarms in the calendar
  • Configure the script by cloning settings.json.dist to settings.json and editing it
    • The calendar_id is provided by the 'calendar settings' page of google calendar
    • To get the api_key you have to create a project at Google APIs console and enable calendar-api-access for it
  • Execute the raspbian-setup.sh script to install depencies and create cron jobs, init-scripts, etc.