
PSWriteWord is powershell module to create Microsoft Word documents without Microsoft Word installed...

Primary LanguagePowerShell

PSWriteWord - PowerShell Module

Build status

PSWriteWord is PowerShell module to create Microsoft Word documents without Microsoft Word installed.

Overview of this module: https://evotec.xyz/hub/scripts/pswriteword-powershell-module/


  • 0.6.0 - 13.01.2019

  • 0.5.17 - 13.01.2019

    • Fixed an empty chart problem in Word Blocks. If values/keys were empty it would create an empty chart preventing Word saving feature to work.
    • Fixed merging of columns/cells in Table
  • 0.5.16 - 9.01.2019

    • Fixed Get-WordDocument support for path with special characters
  • 0.5.15 - 29.12.2018

    • Added Add-WordPageCount with alias Add-WordPageNumber
    • Added some examples and tests for above
  • 0.5.14 - 28.12.2018

    • Expanded support for Headers/Footers
    • Expanded Add-WordText with -Headers/Footers
    • Added some examples and tests
  • 0.5.13 - 8.12.2018

    • Fix Set-WordTableRowMergeCells
    • Added Set-WordTableRowMergeCells TextMerge with Separator allowing for merging text from merged columns
    • Fix for Remove-WordText
    • Added tests for Set-WordTableRowMergeCells - does some additional testing to Tables just in case
  • 0.5.12 - 8.12.2018

    • Fix for Set-WordTableRowMergeCells
  • 0.5.11 - 30.11.2018

    • Added Alignment to Add-WordPicture
  • 0.5.10 - 29.11.2018

    • Added Merge-WordDocument - which brings merging of Word Documents functionality
  • 0.5.9 - 5.11.2018

    • Fix for Add-WordPicture
  • 0.5.8 - 19.10.2018

    • Added small feature New-WordBlock for PSWinDocumentation
  • 0.5.7 - 19.10.2018

    • Addition for Add-WordList to support singular (string,bool etc types)
    • Added Add-WordList Tests
  • 0.5.6 - Bugfixes

  • 0.5.4 - Added NoLegend switch to Charts (Add-WordPieChart, Add-WordLineChart, Add-WordBarChart)

  • 0.5.1 - Small cleanup

  • 0.5.0 - https://evotec.xyz/pswriteword-version-0-5-1/

  • 0.4.7 - Added -ContinueFormatting to Add-WordText - same implementation as for Add-WordTable

  • 0.4.6 - https://evotec.xyz/pswriteword-add-wordtable-add-wordtext-expanded/

  • 0.4.1 - https://evotec.xyz/pswriteword-updated-to-0-4-1-breaking-change-included/

Example usage of Add-WordTable / Add-WordText in action



  • Works only on Windows (as NET CORE is not supported by DLL) - until Xceed ads that to their version. Which will take a while for the free version to have (if ever).
  • Works only on PowerShell 5.1 (not tested on PowerShell 6.0 with Windows compatibility pack)

Systems it should run on (marked those confirmed to run)

Windows Client Systems

Windows Server Systems


This module is based on DocX from Xceed Software (https://github.com/xceedsoftware/DocX). DocX is the free, open source version of Xceed Words for .NET. Originally written by Cathal Coffey, and maintained by Przemyslaw Klys (me), it is now maintained by Xceed. This also means any bugs / issues with C# version of it will be available in PSWriteWord. On the other hand since Xceed releases new versions of DocX (just a few versions behind the pay version) it means eventually PSWriteWord will get even more features. This also means that if something is not yet available in commands that are listed below or are incomplete you can take the .net approach and simply use it that way.


Dedicated word functions

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Function        Add-WordBarChart                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordBookmark                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordChartSeries                                0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordCustomProperty                             0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordEquation                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordFooter                                     0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordHeader                                     0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordHyperLink                                  0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordImage                                      0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordLine                                       0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordLineChart                                  0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordList                                       0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordListItem                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordPageBreak                                  0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordParagraph                                  0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordPicture                                    0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordPieChart                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordProtection                                 0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordSection                                    0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordTable                                      0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordTableCellValue                             0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordTableColumn                                0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordTableRow                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordTableTitle                                 0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordTabStopPosition                            0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordText                                       0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordTOC                                        0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-WordTocItem                                    0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Copy-WordTable                                     0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Copy-WordTableRow                                  0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Format-WordListItem                                0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-WordCustomProperty                             0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-WordDocument                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-WordFooter                                     0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-WordHeader                                     0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-WordListItemParagraph                          0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-WordPageSettings                               0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-WordParagraphForList                           0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-WordParagraphs                                 0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-WordPicture                                    0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-WordSection                                    0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-WordTable                                      0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-WordTableRow                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        New-WordBlock                                      0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        New-WordBlockList                                  0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        New-WordBlockPageBreak                             0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        New-WordBlockParagraph                             0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        New-WordBlockTable                                 0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        New-WordDocument                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        New-WordListItem                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        New-WordTable                                      0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        New-WordTableBorder                                0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Remove-WordParagraph                               0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Remove-WordPicture                                 0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Remove-WordTable                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Remove-WordTableColumn                             0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Remove-WordTableRow                                0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Remove-WordText                                    0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Save-WordDocument                                  0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordContinueFormatting                         0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordHyperLink                                  0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordList                                       0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordMargins                                    0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordOrientation                                0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordPageSettings                               0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordPageSize                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordParagraph                                  0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordPicture                                    0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTable                                      0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTableAutoFit                               0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTableBorder                                0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTableCell                                  0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTableCellFillColor                         0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTableCellShadingColor                      0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTableColumnWidth                           0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTableColumnWidthByIndex                    0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTableDesign                                0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTableDirection                             0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTablePageBreak                             0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTableRowMergeCells                         0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordText                                       0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextAlignment                              0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextBold                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextCapsStyle                              0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextColor                                  0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextDirection                              0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextFontFamily                             0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextFontSize                               0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextHeadingType                            0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextHidden                                 0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextHighlight                              0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextIndentationFirstLine                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextIndentationHanging                     0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextItalic                                 0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextKerning                                0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextLanguage                               0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextMisc                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextPercentageScale                        0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextPosition                               0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextScript                                 0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextShadingType                            0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextSpacing                                0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextSpacingAfter                           0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextSpacingBefore                          0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextStrikeThrough                          0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextText                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextUnderlineColor                         0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Set-WordTextUnderlineStyle                         0.5.0      PSWriteWord

Support functions - shouldn't be used but are there for support purposes.

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Function        Add-ToArray                                        0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Add-ToArrayAdvanced                                0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Convert-ListToHeadings                             0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Convert-ObjectToProcess                            0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        ConvertTo-HashtableFromPsCustomObject              0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        ConvertTo-PsCustomObjectFromHashtable              0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Format-PSTable                                     0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Format-PSTableConvertType1                         0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Format-PSTableConvertType2                         0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Format-PSTableConvertType3                         0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Format-TransposeTable                              0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-ColorFromARGB                                  0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-ObjectCount                                    0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-ObjectData                                     0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-ObjectTitles                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Get-ObjectType                                     0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        New-ArrayList                                      0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Remove-FromArray                                   0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Show-Array                                         0.5.0      PSWriteWord
Function        Show-TableVisualization                            0.5.0      PSWriteWord