
Fit-n-Bites API is a free light-weight RESTful API providing nutrition facts of common food. 🍔

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Fit-n-Bites API

Status License

📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

Fit-n-Bites API is a free light-weight RESTful API providing nutrition facts of common food. No redundant information is provided. Perfect for small to medium size projects, especially school demos.

🏁 Getting Started

An API key is necessary to use this API. Please contact landau@fitnbites.com to access API key.

By default, clients must pass their API key via the Authorization header. It must be formatted as follows:

Authorization: Api-Key ********


curl -H 'Authorization: Api-Key ********' www.fitnbites.com/api/v1/foods/

🎈 Usage


Listing information of all available foods (Calorie, protein, etc.)


Listing information of all alcohol free foods


Listing information of all caffeine free foods


Retrieving information of a specific target


Retrieving food descriptions with given keyword


Retrieving food with a calorie upper bound per 100 gram


Retrieving food with a calorie lower bound per 100 gram



👨‍💻 Unit List

Nutrient Unit
Energy kCal
Protein g
Carbohydrate g
Sugar g
Fiber g
Alcohol g
Vitamin C mg
Vitamin A mcg
Vitamin B12 mcg
Vitamin D mcg
Calcium mg
Phosphorus mg
Magnesium mg
Iron mg
Zinc mg
Copper mg
Selenium mcg
Potassium mg
Sodium mg
Theobromine mg
Caffeine mg

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