A backend social media project using Kitex + Hertz + RPC + Kubernetes,supporting functionalities for publishing posts, adding comments, liking posts, and dynamically retrieving them in a feed-like manner


1.Main Features

  • Using Kitex as micro services framework and Hertz as HTTP Api gateway(both open sourced by bytedance)

  • Using AWS S3 as object storage

  • Using rabbitmq as message queue

  • Using Docker and Kubernetes as deployment


Service Description Techniques Protocol service registry
api Routing HTTP request to RPC Services Gorm Kitex Hertz http CoreDNS
user User Management JWT proto3 CoreDNS
relation User Following Management - - CoreDNS
feed Posts Stream - - CoreDNS
favorite Favorite Management - - CoreDNS
comment Comment Management rabbitmq - CoreDNS
publish Posts Publish Management AWS S3 - CoreDNS
dal Data Access Layer MySQL gorm - CoreDNS


3.DataBase Schema


4.Code Architecture

Directory Sub Directory Description Remarks
cmd api api gateway
comment comment service
favorite favorite service
feed feed service
publish publish service
relation relation service
user user service
config Config file for services and infrastructure
dal db Including Gorm operations and initialization
pack Packing Gorm struct into RPC struct
idl protobuf idl file
kitex_gen Code generated by Kitex
util mq Message queue used in comment service(could be expanded to other services)
errno error code
jwt Using SHA256 and BASE64
oss AWS S3 oss, compatible with minio
config Viper Reading configurations
config Config file for each service and infrasctructures
kubernetes Kubernetes description yaml files
script Shell Scripts for kubernetes deployment, setting up Kind cluster and executing some needed sql operations(not creating database or tables)
kubernetes Shell files that create and deploy kubernetes cluster, building and loading images, etc

5.Logical Architecture



6.Physical Architecutre


7.How to Use?


  1. Docker
  2. Using a Linux or Mac machine(Win is ok but you need to change the scripts)
  3. Having a AWS account and adjust the S3 Endpoint and bucket name to yours(in config/ossConfig.yaml) image.png
  4. Overwrite your AWS tokens in config/kubernetes/services/publish.yaml,make sure your IAM role has the access to S3 image.png
  5. Install Swagger
    go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest
    swag --version
    Init Api file
    swag init -g cmd/api/main.go


  1. Make sure you have installed Docker on your machine

  2. Install Kind - Kubernetes IN Docker
    For Mac

    brew install kind

    For Ubunut

    sudo apt install kind

    Verify Installation

    kind --version
  3. Grant executable permission to the .sh files

    chmod -R +x script/*
  4. Create Kubernetes Cluster

    kind create cluster --config ./config/kubernetes/cluster-bloomblog.yaml

    Verify creating cluster

    kubectl cluster-info --context kind-bloomblog

    You should see output like image.png

  5. Build Docker images

  6. Loading images into Kubernetes cluster

  7. Deploy Infra(Mysql,Rabbitmq)

  8. Deploy Services

  9. Start a kubernetes job

    kubectl apply -f config/kubernetes/infra/jobs/add_casscade.yaml
  10. Verify Deployment
    Verify Pods

kubectl get pod

Verify Services

kubectl get service


  1. Use Swagger to debug
    For Publish service, Swagger doesn't support multi files upload, youcan use this postman link


  1. You can build your own frontend based on this project, the frontend is still developing
  2. I intended to build this project using cloud native solution, however the price for Amazon Mq and NAT is so expensive, you can build it yourself if the budget permits
  3. Now there is only RDBMS, decided that to later apply nosql to build a cache aside architecture
  4. The logstash filter is a little bit hard, still working on it.This is for to collect the database queries that exceed the time threshold