
Primary LanguageC

AI-Enhanced Web Server is a modern, multi-threaded web server written in C. It serves static files like HTML, CSS, JS, PNG, and more, but it goes beyond a traditional web server by incorporating AI-driven features. This server can analyze, log, and filter requests for sensitive content and dynamically generate responses using AI cloud APIs.
🌟 Key Features
1.	Multi-threaded Server: Each client request is handled by a new thread, allowing the server to process multiple clients concurrently.
2.	AI-Powered Responses: The server supports custom AI responses at specific paths like /ai/message.
3.	Content Filtering: Detects sensitive words (like password, secret, etc.) in both incoming requests and file content, and blocks them accordingly.
4.	Request Logging: Logs each client's IP, request path, and timestamp for debugging and analysis.
5.	Cross-Platform Compatibility: Runs on both Windows and macOS/Linux with simple C compilation.
6.	Dynamic API Response: The server is API-ready, capable of integrating with external AI APIs (like OpenAI) to generate dynamic responses.
🚀 How to Use
Run the server with the following command:
The server starts on port 8080 and serves files from the current directory.
You can access it by visiting:
API Endpoints
Endpoint	Description
/	Serves index.html from the current directory.
/ai/message	Returns an AI-generated message.
/ai/info	Returns server information and system details.
/any-path	Attempts to serve a static file from the current directory.
Example Usage
This starts the server on port 8080 and serves files from the current directory.
📜 License
This project is licensed under the MIT License, allowing free use, modification, and distribution.
🔧 Development Guide
Follow these steps to compile and run AI-Enhanced Web Server on Windows, macOS, or Linux.
1️⃣ Prerequisites
•	C/C++ Compiler: Install a C/C++ compiler (like gcc or clang).
•	C/C++ Tools: Install the C/C++ extension for Visual Studio Code.
•	(Optional) Makefile Tools: If you plan to use make, install Makefile tools.
2️⃣ Compilation Instructions
On Windows:
Run the following command to compile the web server:
gcc -W -Wall -o ai_server ai_server.c -lws2_32
On macOS or Linux (or use make):
gcc -W -Wall -o ai_server ai_server.c -lpthread
Once compiled, you can start the server with:
💡 Key Concepts
1️⃣ Multi-Threaded Request Handling
•	Each incoming client request is processed in a new thread using pthread.
•	This allows for multiple clients to connect and request files or AI responses simultaneously.
2️⃣ AI Integration
•	When a client visits /ai/message, the server generates a custom AI message.
•	The server is prepared to call AI APIs (like OpenAI or Huggingface) to generate dynamic content.
•	This logic can be extended to send an HTTP request to an AI cloud service and use the AI-generated response.
3️⃣ Content Filtering
•	Requests that contain sensitive words (like password, secret, private) are blocked.
•	The server inspects both incoming request URLs and the content of files before serving them.
•	If any file contains these sensitive words, the request is blocked, and a 403 Forbidden message is returned.
📋 Tips & Best Practices
1.	File Permissions: Ensure that files in the current directory have the correct read permissions.
2.	Port Availability: Make sure port 8080 is not in use by another application.
3.	Security:
o	Avoid exposing sensitive information in server responses.
o	Regularly update the list of sensitive words.
o	Use TLS encryption to secure client-server communication.
4.	Logging: Check the server.log file to analyze requests. This log is helpful for debugging and tracking client activity.
5.	AI API Integration:
o	To connect to OpenAI’s API, use libcurl in C to make requests to https://api.openai.com/v1/.
o	Modify the /ai/message response to use the API-generated text instead of the hardcoded HTML response.
💡 How to Customize
Customization	How to Do It
Add AI Cloud API	Use libcurl to call OpenAI API and modify the /ai/message route.
Add Custom Endpoints	Add new paths in the accept_request function, like /ai/summary.
Change Sensitive Words	Update the sensitive_words array to add/remove terms.
Change the Port	Update the port in the PORT constant.
Log Customization	Change the log_request function to log more data (user-agent, request method, etc.).
🛠️ Example Logs
Here’s an example of server.log after running the server for a few minutes:
[2024-12-11 12:34:56] Client: Requested: /index.html
[2024-12-11 12:35:01] Client: Requested: /ai/message
[2024-12-11 12:35:15] Client: Requested: /private/passwords.txt (BLOCKED)
These logs allow you to see which clients connected, what they requested, and whether their access was blocked.
🌐 API Integration Example
Here’s a basic way to integrate the OpenAI API for generating dynamic responses.
1.	Use the libcurl library in C.
2.	Replace the /ai/message response with a call to the OpenAI API.
Example Code for Calling OpenAI API
#include <curl/curl.h>

void ai_message(int client) {
    CURL *curl = curl_easy_init();
    if (curl) {
        const char *url = "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions";
        const char *auth_header = "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY";
        const char *post_data = "{\"prompt\":\"Hello AI!\", \"max_tokens\":50}";

        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1L);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, post_data);
        struct curl_slist *headers = NULL;
        headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "Content-Type: application/json");
        headers = curl_slist_append(headers, auth_header);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers);
        CURLcode res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
        if (res != CURLE_OK) {
            fprintf(stderr, "curl_easy_perform() failed: %s\n", curl_easy_strerror(res));
Steps to Use This API Call
1.	Replace YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY with your OpenAI API key.
2.	Compile the program with libcurl:
gcc -o ai_server ai_server.c -lpthread -lcurl
🌟 Final Thoughts
This AI-Enhanced Web Server is a modern, multi-threaded, API-enabled server. It’s a great starting point for learning C programming, networking, AI integration, and security concepts.
With features like AI message generation, multi-threading, and API connectivity, this server can be used as a base for building larger, more sophisticated web applications.
If you'd like help with API integration or want more guidance on customizing this server, let me know!