A plugin for BandagedBetterDiscord that sets your Background to an e621 post from your Walltaker link
This is just a fun project.
The more resurceful way of showing your background would be to activate transparent window in BBD settings and s elect an transparent themen (one with transparent background don't just look at tag or name).
Please deactivate themes for this plugin to work correctly.
Link-Id: Id of your Walltaker Link
Interval: frequenzy of checks for new post for link
Image-Fit: how size of Backgroundimage is scaled
- cover: zooms picture until it covers full window
- contain: zooms picture until width or height is filled
- fill width: zooms picture until width is filled
- fill height: zooms picture until height is filled
- stretch: picture is stretched to fit into window bounds
- auto: automatically chooses between cover and contain
- none: picture is shown 1:1 (the picture may still be influenced by window bounds)
Show Pictures from folders. (/ Get pictures + data from Walltaker desktop-client) this would save internet capacity while useing other clients.
Implement an option to change interval while Game-Activity is active
Enable text input for Image-Fit for advanced users.
Show set_by (probably in titlebar)
add button show e621(post)