
Primary LanguageShell



What is this?

  • This is a repositry containing ansible theory and exercises

  • See the below instructions for a basic ansible set up.

  • Beyond this the ADVANCED_SETUP.md for more information about

    • This includess setting up a web app and further theory such as ansible modules
  • For the theory behind see see ANSIBLE_THEORY.md


Git Bash


  • This is auto installed with Git Bash and Linx often however
  • This shows the simplicity of Ansible as there is minimal dependencies


1. Clone this repositry

  • As per GitHub commands, fork then download.

2. Run vagrant file

vagrant up

  • This may take a while on the first go

3. Once the machines are up enter each and update them

vagrant status
vagrant ssh web/aws/db
sudo apt-get update
  • Run the update command for each machine

4. Make the AWS server the controller server

A. Install ansible (within the AWS server)

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y
sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ansible

B. Check installation

ansible --version

C. Install tree

  • This is a package manager

sudo apt-get install tree

D. Examine tree

cd /etc/ansible
  • This will display files in user friendly way

5. Test connection to other VMs

  • This should show bytes coming from the IPs
  • However you do not have access to the servers yet
  • Press ctrl + c to cancel the ping

6. Set up access to the servers from the controller server (aws)

sudo nano hosts

  • Add the below text into the file
  • This creates hosts for connections to other servers
[web] ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_user=vagrant ansible_ssh_pass=vagrant

[db] ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_user=vagrant ansible_ssh_pass=vagrant

# [aws]
# ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_user=vagrant ansible_ssh_pass=vagrant

7. Connect to the other machines

ssh vagrant@

  • Enter password as "vagrant".

    • You will not be able to see the password entered
  • This should give you access to the machine

  • Repeat for the DB machine

ssh vagrant@

8. Ping machines with Ansible command

ansible all -m ping

  • This will ping connection to web and db
  • If succesful it will display a green message saying success

9. Interact with other servers and get information

  • Run commands from the Anisble Controller server
ansible web -a "date"
ansible db -a "uname -a"
  • Gets date and time of the web server
  • Then current operating system of machine
  • "-a" gets all information

ansible all -m shell -a "ls -a"

  • Goes into all servers and runs command in shell (bash) format
  • Returns result of command being run in each server

10. Create playbook

sudo su
nano filename.yml
  • Start file with comment, then ---
  • Identation very important
  • Follow example of install_nginx_web.yml


11. Run playbook

  • You have to exit root mode
ansible-playbook install_nginx_web.yml
  • You have now install nginx on your web server and can access the nginx test page
    • Use your web IP, in this case
    • Input into into a browser and the nginx test page should appear