Virtual private network set-up

The steps below are for basic virtual private network set-up

Follow-up readmes are available in networking v2/v3 which build on this readme for more complexity


Installation steps


  • create VPC
  • create private subnet within VPC
  • create public subnet with VPC
    • with app
  • create internet gateway for public subnet
  • create route table with public and private route
  • deploy app

1. Select vpc from aws services

A. ensure region is ireland

2. Create vpc from vpc menu not wizard

A. tag = Eng67.Max.P.VPC

B. Ipv4 CIDR block =

- This could be changed, with 245 being anything from 1-255 and 20 being similar

- However the zeros must remain there

C. leave everything else >> create vpc

3. Create internet gateway

A. click on internet gateway - create

B. tag = Eng67.Max.P.IGW

C. attach to vpc

D. select yours, attach gateway

4. create public subnet

A. click on subnets - create subnet

B. tag = Eng67.Max.P.Subnet.Public

C. select your vpc

D. in IPv4 block

- This IP is per the IP established from the VPC, with the third block changed

- The third block is changed to establish a subnet within the VPC

E. create

5. Create private subnet

A. click on subnets - create subnet

B. tag = Eng67.Max.P.Subnet.private

C. select your vpc

D. ip =, create

    - This IP is per the IP established from the VPC, with the third block changed

    - The third block is changed to establish a subnet within the VPC

- This must be differnt to the IP created for your public subnet

6. Create route table


  • want to build in rigidity to limit damage from lack of understanding junior member might do
  • make clear connecting to internet
  • want to default to private


A. check route table not assoicated with VPC already - keep for now - rename

B. Select route tables, create route table

C. Add tag =Eng67.Max.P.Route.Public

D. select your vpc

E. create vpc

F. Edit Route - add - target = internet gateway, choose your internet gateway

G. Subnet associations - edit subnet associations - add public subnet

7. Secrity group


  • egress rules

    • defualt auto set
    • allows everything to exit
    • ingress rules (rules for entry)
    • nacls for public
    • by default outbound traffic is denie
    • is stateless?
    • rule numbers matter
    • can deny IP as well as allow
  • ingress rules

    • port 22 from our IP
    • 80 for inter
    • 443
    • ephemeral on
    • 27017 to allow connection to private (db) subnet
  • egress rules

    • allow all for now
  • rules for public server

    • allow all outbound traffic to public server (
    • ingress 27017 from public server (


A. create new nacl

B. tag = Eng67.Max.P.Route.NACL

C. add rules

Y - inbound rules per the below image (my IP is blacked out):


- outbound rules per the below image:



A. create an ec2 instance with VPC of the one just created

B. ssh into the instance

C. run sudo apt-get install nginx

D. go onto your browser and insert the IP of the instance created

E. if VPC has been created effectively then you will nginx install successful

Theory underpinning this


VPC - virtual private cloud, allows creaion of virtual private network

IGW - internet gateway

Subnet - internal networking

NACLs - network access control lists - firewall at level of subnet

Route Tables - set of rules determinied where traffic from subnet of IGW is directed

SG - firewall at level of EC2

EC2 - elastic computing 2