The main functionalities of the app TechBlog include the following:
User Authentication: The app supports user registration and login functionality, allowing users to create accounts and authenticate themselves.
Create Posts: Authenticated users can create new blog posts by providing a title and content for the post. View Posts: The app displays a list of existing posts, showing the post title, content, author's username, and creation date.
Add Comments: Users can add comments to individual posts, providing their thoughts or feedback on the post.
Modal Dialog: The app utilizes Bootstrap's modal component to present a form for adding comments. This modal dialog appears when the user clicks on the "Add Comment" button.
Clone the repository:
Install the following dependencies:
Express: A web application framework for Node.js. Sequelize: A promise-based ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for Node.js, used for interacting with the database. bcrypt: A library for hashing passwords and comparing hashes for user authentication. dotenv: A module for loading environment variables from a .env file. express-handlebars: A templating engine for rendering dynamic views. express-session: A middleware for managing user sessions. connect-session-sequelize: A Sequelize session store for Express.js, used to store session data in the database. mysql2: A MySQL database driver for Node.js. nodemon: A development tool that monitors changes in the source code and automatically restarts the server. bootstrap: A popular CSS framework for building responsive and visually appealing websites. mime: (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is a standard that defines the types of files based on their content and helps browsers and servers understand how to handle and interpret those files.
- Set up the configuration:
Rename the .env.example
file to .env
Modify the environment variables in the .env
file according to your setup.
Start the application:
Access the application at
in your web browser.
Tech Blog provides a platform for users to create, view, and comment on blog posts. It incorporates user authentication, database integration, and a responsive UI using Bootstrap.