Server Deployment Practice

Lydia Minehan-Tubic | Lab 01 - 401 JavaScript

Dev Branch: Deployed Heroku Site

Main Branch: Deployed Heroku Site

GitHub Actions

Pull Request

To Install Application

  • Clone down to your device
  • In the root directory, run npm install to install node modules
  • Create a .env file and add a port variable to your environment
  • Run nodemon to see your live server via local host in your browser. You should see 'Hello world'

To Check Tests

  • In the command line at the root directory, run npm test to make sure all test are passing as expected

Node Ecosystem, TDD, CI/CD

Application development in the Node.js ecosystem, including the writing of modular code using CommonJS modules, writing tests to assert code quality, setting up and working in a "Continuous Integration" environment (Github Actions).

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to

Describe and Define

  • Node and the V8 Engine


  • Setup a Node.js Package using npm
  • Create CommonJS modules
  • Create a simple express server
  • See passing tests via GitHub actions (CI)
  • Deploy to Heroku using CD

Today's Outline


Importing and Exporting Modules

If one module exports a function or an object ...

// person.js
const person = {};

person.walk = function() {
  return 'walking';

module.exports = person;

Another module can import and use that function or object

const human = require('./person.js')
console.log( human.walk() );  // prints 'walking'

CI/CD - Continuous Integration and Deployment

In your lab today, you'll be doing a full "professional" deployment using 2 branches, PR's, and a continuous process to get your code deployed.

You will repeat this process for every server based lab moving forward. Keep these notes (and the lab steps) handy for future reference