Lab 18 | AWS: API, Dynamo and Lambda | 401 JavaScript

Author: Lydia Minehan-Tubic

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✨ Lambdas: GET | POST | PUT | DELETE

Feature Tasks

Create a single resource REST API using a domain model of your choosing, constructed using AWS Cloud Services

✨ AWS Cloud Services: DynamoDB, API Gateway, Lambda Functions

✨ Dependencies: uuid, dynamoose

  • Create one table for one data model at DynamoDB
  • Create a Dynamoose schema to define the structure of your table
  • Write lambda functions that will separately perform the proper CRUD operation on the database
  • Create your routes using API Gateway
    • Routes should integrate with the appropriate Lambda function to perform the operation
  • Once you can assert the type of data coming back from Dynamoose and the type of input you’ll get from the API in the event, write the test cases for each Lambda function


  • DynamoDB:
    • Create table: Give it a name and a key of id
    • On the table you created, create item
    • Add your table columns: id, name, phone
  • API Gateway:
    • Select HTTP API
    • Name your API, and keep the default settings for the remaining questions
    • Once you've created your API, click routes
    • Create routes for GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE
      • Name your route appropriately i.e. /people
      • NOTE: Once your routes are created, you will need to edit the route details for integration with Lambda
        • Click Attach integration
        • Attach the appropriate integration to the route you have selected
  • Lambda:
    • We're now going to create 4 functions for each of the routes. Name them get-people etc to stick with a clean naming convention
    • Add an API gateway trigger to each of your lambda functions
      • Select the corresponding API aka people
      • Deployment stage: $default
      • Security: Open
    • It's time to write your Lambda functions in a text editor
      • In one repository, make 4 folders: get, post, put, delete
      • In each folder:
        • Name your top level file index.js
        • create a people.schema.js
        • npm i uuid dynamoose
      • Write your lambda functions and build your schemas
      • Zip each route folder
      • Upload each route folder to its corresponding lambda in AWS
  • Role Permissions:
    • Your lambdas will naturally create new roles that need to have the correct permissions
    • Navigate to IAM, and go to Roles
    • Under roles, find the roles that were created from your lambdas
      • They will have a formatting like post-people-role-ferbjwebr, for example
    • Give all four roles these permissions:
      • AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
      • AdministratorAccess
      • AWSLambda_FullAccess
      • AmazonAPIGatewayAdministrator


  • POST = create
  • GET = read
  • PUT = update
  • DELETE = delete

Test your routes in swagger:

  • GET and POST can be done in 'body' on swagger
  • PUT and DELETE will need a query paramater of id and the id number
    • PUT will also require changes to body

Data Architecture


// Lambda Test
    "body": "{\"id\": \"123456789\", \"name\": \"test_user\", \"phone\": \"123 456 7890\"}"

// Query body
  "id": "12345",
  "name": "test name",
  "phone": "123-456-7890"

Sources, Resources, & References