
toolkit repository: command line cheatsheet, operation script and so on.

Primary LanguagePython


My toolkit project, write some tools or code snippets for fun and practice.

Index Brief Introduction
Cheat Sheet A simple, extensible command line cheat sheet
DB Wrapper Database Wrapper which makes Database cursor API easier to use.
Little Encrypt GoLang File Encryption Example.
Miscellaneous A variety of scripts, including modifying the system Mac, getting the current Wifi password, command line dictionary, and more.
Operations Operations scripts for configure server.
Sublime Some Sublime code snippet and config file.

Cheat sheet

A simple, extensible command line cheat sheet which contains:

  • Common compress command for multiple suffix
  • Git config / log / tag / ...
  • IPtables Set / List / Delete
  • Common Linux Command
  • MySQL Query
  • Python Environment Configuration
  • Reverse Shell command
  • SSH Configuration
# Usage
python cheat.py <category> [ <keyword> | <arguments> ]


Some database wrappers for ElasticSearch / MongoDB / PostgreSQL / MySQL / SQLite. Make Database cursor API easier to use.


opts = {
    "host": "localhost",
    "user": "root",
    "pwd": "password",
    "db": "database"

# init database
db = DB(opts)

# raw execute
db.cur.execute("delete from user")
sql = "INSERT INTO `user` (`username`, `password`) VALUES (%s, %s)"

# insert single data
db.insert(sql, ['admin', 'admin'])

# insert multiple data
db.insert(sql, [['2', '3'], ['4', '5']], True)

# select
sql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = %s"
print(db.select(sql, 'admin'))
sql = "SELECT * FROM user"


Some docker-compose file for quick install some services.

Little Encrypt

GoLang file encryption example. Encrypt files with AES secret key, and then encrypt AES key with RSA public key, finally store them together.


Ansi Escape

A library for Ansi Escape Codes, including 8-color / 256-color / cursor move.



A script for change mac address which works on Windows / Mac OS.

usage: [options]

Tool For Change Mac Address

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m mac, --mac mac     mac address
  -i interface, --interface interface
                        network interface
  -d desc, --desc desc  network interface des

DNS Rebinding

A mini DNS rebinding server, it's easy to custom.

Flask Seed

A script for flask quick start.


Get current wifi password, works on Windows / Mac OS / Linux.

github user info

Get Github users' repo info by username.

path diff

Tool used to monitor file changes.

usage: pathdiff.py [options]

simple path diff tool

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i, --init            initial at this path
  -f first, --first first
                        first path file to diff
  -s second, --second second
                        second path file to diff
  -p, --persistent      run in persistent mode
  -t TIMESLEEP, --timesleep TIMESLEEP
                        set sleeptime

A simple path diff tool


A mini dir jump tool for Windows.

# add shortcut
python minijump.py a [short] [fullpath]

# delete shortcut
python minijump.py d [short]

# list shortcut
python minijump.py l

# jump to
python minijump.py [short]

SSH Batch

Execute commands in batches via SSH.


Script for debug Edge / IE.


Youdao dict command line tool.



Simple PHP Waf Framework.


Operations scripts for configure server.

  • config
    • .vimrc
  • deploy script
    • Cobra
    • Gitlab
    • Moloch
    • Octopress
    • Openvpn
    • Supervisor
  • install command
    • docker
    • java
    • penetration testing
  • backup MySQL


Some Sublime code snippet and config file. It contains PHP debug, python hash / logger / requests / ... , docker compose, etc.