Implement tree structures using MongoDB.
A node is represented by the following structure:
{'_id': <ObjectId>,
'identifier: <string; Used in part of a key to look items up. ie, a user.>
'label': <string>,
'parent': <ObjectId>,
'children': [ObjectId, ...],
'obj': <json pickled blob>,
'path': <string; path tokens delmited by MongoDB.SEPARATOR>,
'hits': <int; how many times a node has been accessed.>}
mongotree.MongoTree() is responsible for creating, searching, querying, removing, etc, nodes.
- lxml
- jsonpickle
- mongodb
- pydot
- pymongo
>>> from mongotree import MongoTree
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> mtree = MongoTree()
>>> path = ['select', '*', 'from', 'foo']
>>> mtree.upsert(path)
>>> path = ['select', '*', 'from', 'bar']
>>> mtree.upsert(path)
>>> path = ['select', 'id', 'from', 'stuff']
>>> mtree.upsert(path)
>>> path = ['select', 'id', 'from', 'bar']
>>> mtree.upsert(path)
>>> mtree.node_count()
>>> print mtree.path_exists(['select', 'id', 'from'])
>>> node = mtree.get_node(['select', '*'])
>>> pprint(node)
{u'_id': ObjectId('508d7ba3acbc3a620cce684c'),
u'children': [ObjectId('508d7ba3acbc3a620cce684d')],
u'hits': 2,
u'identifier': u'mongotree',
u'label': u'*',
u'obj': None,
u'parent': ObjectId('508d7ba3acbc3a620cce684b'),
u'path': u'select|$|*'}
>>> graph = mtree.get_dotgraph()
>>> graph.write_png('/tmp/mongotree.png')