
Transparent theme for Discord!

Primary LanguageCSS

It will now only be maintained over there.


For when you want Discord entirely transparent.

How it looks on top of applications;


Video demonstration;



Transparency needs to be enabled in settings for this to work properly, or usage of a custom background or compatible client will suffice. You can set a custom background manually by editing the CSS & providing a valid url. Theme has minor visual issues in Light mode, I suggest switching to Dark mode.

Something not transparent?

Open an issue please.

Don't want to modify the theme directly to add a custom background?

Place this (& your chosen background url) into "Custom CSS". (or some other method of applying CSS);

/* Set the background for the Glass theme */
.theme-light {
	--background-image: url('HTTPS_LINK_PNG_WEBP_ETC');

Here's a good example;

/* Set the background for the Glass theme */
.theme-light {
	--background-image: url('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lylythii/Glass/main/background.png');

Here's another, using the same background as Priscord;

/* Set the background for the Glass theme */
.theme-light {
	--background-image: url('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PrismLauncher/prismlauncher.org/40d89d06ae90c7cbef18b06f52fd9a4c30c61db8/src/img/background/prism-background.svg');