
IRC Chat License

w0bm.com is a fun modern website featuring many different kind of videos in webm format. It was initially thought as a z0r.de without flash, but already surpassed that in our opinion.

The page is build on top of the Laravel Framework.


  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/w0bm/w0bm.com.git
  2. Cd into the directory: cd w0bm.com, run ./composer.phar dump-autoload and ./composer.phar install --no-scripts to install all the dependencies
  3. Create a .env file with your database information. (Example) and also set the APP_KEY (you can generate one with php artisan key:generate)
  4. Put at least 1 webm file in the public/b folder named 1.webm
  5. Modify database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php and uncomment all the different seeders. (Initially you'll need all)
  6. Run php artisan migrate and then php artisan db:seed
  7. Start the development server with php artisan serve
  8. Check your website at http://localhost:8000 (username: admin, password: password)


Make your changes, test them locally (PLEASE!!! preferable write some unit tests aswell) and make a pull request.

Folder structure:

  • Models: app/Models/
  • Routes: app/Http/routes.php
  • Controllers: app/Http/Controllers
  • Views: resources/views
  • JS and CSS: public/{css,js}
  • Database: database/migrations

To transpile and minify your modified w0bmscript.js you need to have npm (Node Package Manager) and this projects dependencies installed (dependencies installable with npm i). Then run npm run build.


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license