
STM32 LCD drivers (currently: spi(dma), gpio, fsmc(dma), st7735, st7783, ili9325, ili9328, ili9341, ili9488, hx8347g)

Primary LanguageC

STM32Fxxx graphics display drivers

Layer chart, examples circuits and settings:

LCD I/O driver:

  • stm32f1: lcd_io_spi (software SPI, hardware SPI, hardware SPI with DMA)
  • stm32f1: lcd_io_gpio8 (8 bit paralell without analog resistive touchscreen)
  • stm32f1: lcdts_io_gpio8 (8 bit paralell with analog resistive touchscreen)
  • stm32f1: lcd_io_gpio16 (16 bit paralell without analog resistive touchscreen)
  • stm32f3: lcd_io_spi (software SPI, hardware SPI, hardware SPI with DMA)
  • stm32f3: lcd_io_gpio8 (8 bit paralell without analog resistive touchscreen)
  • stm32f3: lcdts_io_gpio8 (8 bit paralell with analog resistive touchscreen)
  • stm32f4: lcd_io_spi (software SPI, hardware SPI, hardware SPI with DMA)
  • stm32f4: lcd_io_gpio8 (8 bit paralell without analog resistive touchscreen)
  • stm32f4: lcdts_io_gpio8 (8 bit paralell with analog resistive touchscreen)
  • stm32f4: lcd_io_fsmc8 (8 bit paralell without analog resistive touchscreen + FSMC or FSMC with DMA)
  • stm32f4: lcdts_io_fsmc8 (8 bit paralell with analog resistive touchscreen + FSMC or FSMC with DMA)
  • stm32f4: lcd_io_gpio16 (16 bit paralell without analog resistive touchscreen)
  • stm32f4: lcd_io_fsmc16 (16 bit paralell without analog resistive touchscreen + FSMC or FSMC with DMA)
  • stm32f7: lcd_io_gpio8 (8 bit paralell without analog resistive touchscreen)

LCD driver:

  • st7735 (SPI mode tested)
  • st7783 (8 bit paralell mode tested)
  • ili9325 (8 bit paralell mode tested)
  • ili9328 (8 bit paralell mode tested)
  • ili9341 (SPI, 8 bit and 16 bit paralell mode, SPI with LTDC mode tested)
  • ili9486 (8 bit paralell mode tested)
  • ili9488 (8 bit paralell mode tested)
  • hx8347g (8 bit paralell mode tested)


  • LcdSpeedTest: Lcd speed test
  • TouchCalib: Touchscreen calibration program
  • Paint: Arduino paint clone
  • JpgViewer: JPG file viewer from SD card or pendrive
  • AnalogClock: Analog Clock demo (printf: the result, i use the SWO pin for ST-LINK Serial Wire Viewer (SWV). See:examples/Src/syscalls.c)

How to use starting from zero?

  1. Create project for Cubemx
  • setting the RCC (Crystal/ceramic resonator)
  • setting the debug (SYS / serial wire or trace assyn sw)
  • setting the timebase source (i like the basic timer for this)
  • if FSMC : setting the FSMC (chip select, memory type = LCD, Lcd reg select, data = 8 or 16 bits, timing)
  • if SDCARD : setting the SDIO mode, enable the FATFS, FATFS: USE_LFN, MAX_SS = 4096, FS_LOCK = 5, RTC enabled
  • if USB pendrive : setting the USB host, setting the USB power, enable the FATFS, USE_LFN, MAX_SS = 4096, FS_LOCK = 5
  • if JPG : enabled the LIBJPEG
  • setting the clock configuration
  • project settings: project name, toolchain = truestudio, stack size = 0x800
  • generate source code
  1. Truestudio
  • open projects from file system
  • open main.c
  • add USER CODE BEGIN PFP: void mainApp(void);
  • add USER CODE BEGIN WHILE: mainApp();
  • open main.h
  • add USER CODE BEGIN Includes (#include "stm32f1xx_hal.h" or #include "stm32f4xx_hal.h" or ...)
  • add 2 new folder for Src folder (App, Lcd)
  • copy file(s) from App/... to App
  • copy 4 or 7 files from Drivers to Lcd (lcd.h, bmp.h, stm32_adafruit_lcd.h / c, if touch: ts.h, stm32_adafruit_ts.h / c)
  • copy Fonts folder to Lcd folder
  • copy io driver to Lcd folder (lcd_io_...h / c or lcdts_io...h / c or...)
  • copy lcd driver to Lcd folder (st7735.h / c or ili9325.h /c or...)
  • if printf to SWO : copy syscalls.c to Src folder
  • setting the configuration the io driver header file (pin settings, speed settings etc...)
  • setting the LCD configuration (orientation, touchscreen)
  • add include path : Src/Lcd
  • setting the compile options (Enable paralell build, optimalization)
  • compile, run ...

Example (please unzip the app you like):

  • f103c8t_app: (stm32f103c8t HAL applications, cubemx, truestudio)
  • f103c8t_app_rtos: (stm32f103c8t HAL-FreeRtos applications, cubemx, truestudio)
  • f407vet_app: (stm32f407vet HAL-applications, cubemx, truestudio)
  • f407vet_app_rtos: (stm32f407vet HAL-FreeRtos applications, cubemx, truestudio)
  • f407vet_app_fsmc: (stm32f407vet HAL applications, FSMC, cubemx, truestudio)
  • f407vet_app_rtos_fsmc: (stm32f407vet HAL-FreeRtos applications, FSMC, cubemx, truestudio)
  • f407vet_app_fsmc16: (stm32f407vet HAL applications, FSMC 16 bit, cubemx, truestudio)
  • f407zet_app_fsmc16_extsram: (stm32f407zet HAL applications, FSMC 16 bit, external 1MB SRAM, cubemx, truestudio)

How to adding the SWO support to cheap stlink ? https://lujji.github.io/blog/stlink-clone-trace/