A way too much over-engineered timetable language compiler.
Seri is written in Rust, so you need to install the Rust toolchain to run it.
To generate a schedule from a file, run:
cargo run data/example.seri
You can also generate a schedule from stdin:
cat data/example.seri > cargo run
Usage: seri [OPTIONS] [FILE]
[FILE] File to compile. If not present, will read from standard input
-f, --format <FORMAT> Output format [default: tikz] [possible values: tikz, html]
-t, --template <TEMPLATE> Template to use, if any
-o, --output <FILE> Output file. If not present, will output to stdout
-s, --save-tmp Keep intermediate files
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
See Lugrim#26