
An RTSP 2.0 implementation in Rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


LICENSE Build Status

An incomplete RTSP 2.0 implementation built using tokio.

A lot of the design is based on the http and hyper crates, since RTSP and HTTP have a lot of similarities.

Only low-level servers and clients can be made at the moment. For an example of a low-level server with minimal processing, see examples/server.rs. I am currently considering an interface for a higher-level server abstraction that easily allows defining media sources.

There is also an example of a client (examples/client.rs).

Development setup

rustup install nightly
cargo +nightly test

all the tests should pass (but there may be some warnings)

Running the examples

The examples work together, if you first run the server:

cargo +nightly run --example server

Then in another terminal window run the client:

cargo +nightly run --example client

The client automatically connects to the server, and so you should see the server print:

Received connection

and then the client prints:

Connected to server:
response: Response { body: b"", reason_phrase: ReasonPhrase("OK"), headers: {CSeq: HeaderValue("292131050"), Date: HeaderValue("Sat, 29 Jun 2019 14:25:13 +0000")}, status_code: 200, version: RTSP/2.0 }