Review Assignment Due Date

LAB Exam: Instruction

***Write your student id, firstname, and lastname in a single line comment before starting your program, students who do not put this comment will get 50% taken off their score.***

Guest Management Requirements

You are given four files (DO NOT EDIT):

  1. index.html
  2. ./lib/GuestManagement.js - provide guest property, constructor, and methods to manage your guests
  3. ./data/guestdata.js - provide initial guests data created from GuestManagement class
  4. guestForm.js - Your task is to write program in nested functions, do not edit provided initial code


The guestForm.js handles guest management operations, such as searching, adding, and removing guests from the list.

GuestForm Function:

Constant Variables:

  • guests: initial guests data list created from GuestManagement class

(Your task here!) Nested Functions:

  • registerEventHandling() - The registerEventHandling function is responsible for adding event listeners for two main actions in the guest list management system:

    • register a "keyup" event when a user releases a key on the keyboard after typing in the search input field. When this event is triggered, the "searchGuest" function will be called to search for guests based on user input.
    • register an event listener on the "click" event of the "Add Guest" button for adding new guests. The handler function is "addGuest" function.
  • addGuest() - To add a new guest from the first name and last name in the respective input fields. The new guest will be added to the list by calling "addNewGuest(firstname, lastname)" function in GuestManagment and then displayed this new guest in the guest area by calling "displayGuest(newGuestObject)" function. You must clear firstname and lastname input textbox before a next guest inputting.

  • displayGuests(guestResult) - You must clear all previous children within div (disply-area) before display the guest list that accepts from a guestResult parameter. For each guest, you call "displayGuest(guestItem)" function to display each guest name.

    <!-- Part 3: Display Area -->
    <div id="display-area" style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; padding: 15px; line-height: 1.5;">
        <!-- Guest list will be displayed here -->
  • displayGuest(guestItem) - dynamically creates HTML elements for each guest that accepts from a guestItem parameter and its corresponding remove icon [X] as follows:

      <span>firstname lastname</span>
      <span class="remove-icon" id="firstname-lastname" style="cursor:pointer;color:red">[X]</span>

    Create a div element and two span elements inside it. The first span element contain guest firstname and lastname. The second span contains a remove icon ([X]) and adding event handler function "removeGuest" function when the user clicks on the icon. This span has a class of remove-icon and a style value "cursor:pointer;color:red". An id attribute consists of guest firstname, followed by '-', and lastname. For example, If a guestItem equals to {'Somchai', 'Dee'} then it will create HTML elements as follows:

      <span>Somchai Dee</span>
      <span class="remove-icon" id="Somchai-Dee" style="cursor:pointer;color:red">[X]</span>
  • searchGuest(event) - To search for guests, calling "searchGuests(keyword)" function in GuestManagement with the search input field. The matching guests will be displayed in the guest area in real-time by calling "displayGuests(guestResult)" function.

  • removeGuest(event) - To remove a guest, click the "X" icon next to the guest's name. The guest will be removed from the list by calling "removeGuest(deleteGuest)" function in GuestManagement, and the display area will be updated accordingly by removing div element of the deleted guest.

Screen Capture Outputs

  • Capture Output1
  • Capture Output2
  • Capture Output3
  • Capture Output4
  • Capture Output5
  • Capture Output6