
A simple class to add RedBeanPHP logged queries to Tracy's debug bar.

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A simple class to add RedBeanPHP logged queries to Tracy's debug bar. Works with multiple databases.


All examples assume you have loaded RedBeanPHP and Tracy.

Simple example

  require 'RedBeanTracyPanel.php';

  // Enable Tracy

  // Connect to your database

  // Create a new panel, passing RedBean's name of the database as argument
  // When using R::setup() the name of the database is 'default'
  $panel = new RedBeanTracyPanel\Panel( 'default' );

  // Set the title of the panel (optionnal)
  $panel->setTitle('My awesome panel');

  // Bind the panel to Tracy's debug bar

  // Do your things, all queries will be retrieved at the end


Setting your own highlighter

You don't like the simple highlighting that RedBean's debug mode does ? Want to add something of your own ?

Here is an example using SqlFormatter

  require 'RedBeanTracyPanel.php';
  require 'SqlFormatter.php';


  $panel = new RedBeanTracyPanel\Panel( 'default' );

  // To get the color right
  SqlFormatter::$pre_attributes = 'style="color: black;"';
  // To use SqlFormatter's highlight function in our panel


  // Do your things, all queries will be retrieved at the end


sethighlighter accepts a callable as its argument so you can create your own function and use it.

Using multiple databases

  require 'RedBeanTracyPanel.php';


  R::addDatabase('My first db', ...);
  $panel = new RedBeanTracyPanel\Panel( 'My First db' );

  R::addDatabase('My other db', ...);
  $panel = new RedBeanTracyPanel\Panel( 'My other db' );

  // Do your things, all queries will be retrieved at the end



Used https://github.com/filisko/tracy-redbean as a starting point, and added support for multiple databases, custom highlighter and modified some things. However since I don't know anything about PSR-7 middleware or whatever, you won't find that here.

Feel free to add PRs !