
PA-GAN: Progressive Attention Generative Adversarial Network for Facial Attribute Editing

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


TensorFlow implementation of PA-GAN: Progressive Attention Generative Adversarial Network for Facial Attribute Editing      


  • Environment

    • Python 3.6

    • TensorFlow 1.13+, TensorFlow Graphics

    • OpenCV, scikit-image, tqdm, oyaml

    • we recommend Anaconda or Miniconda, then you can create the PA-GAN environment with commands below

      conda create -n PA-GAN python=3.6
      source activate PA-GAN
      conda install opencv scikit-image tqdm tensorflow-gpu=1.13
      conda install -c conda-forge oyaml
      pip install tensorflow-graphics-gpu --no-deps
    • NOTICE: if you create a new conda environment, remember to activate it before any other command

      source activate PA-GAN
  • Data Preparation

    • CelebA-unaligned (10.2GB, higher quality than the aligned data)

      • download the dataset

      • unzip and process the data

        7z x ./data/img_celeba/img_celeba.7z/img_celeba.7z.001 -o./data/img_celeba/
        unzip ./data/img_celeba/annotations.zip -d ./data/img_celeba/
        python ./scripts/align.py
  • Run PA-GAN

    • training

      python train.py \
      --experiment_name PA-GAN_128
    • testing

      • single attribute editing (inversion)

        python test.py \
        --experiment_name PA-GAN_128
      • multiple attribute editing (inversion) example

        python test_multi.py \
        --test_att_names Bushy_Eyebrows Mustache \
        --experiment_name PA-GAN_128
    • loss visualization

      tensorboard \
      --logdir ./output/default/summaries \
      --port 6006
  • Using Trained Weights


If you find PA-GAN useful in your research work, please consider citing:

  title={PA-GAN: Progressive Attention Generative Adversarial Network for Facial Attribute Editing},
  author={He, Zhenliang and Kan, Meina and Zhang, Jichao and Shan, Shiguang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.05892},