
OCaml implementation of the Telegram Bot API

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT


An OCaml library for creating bots for Telegram Messenger. Bots are built using the official API provided by Telegram. The documentation can be viewed here.


Before creating a bot, it's recommended that you read through this page, which outlines some of the basic usage of bots and the process of registering and managing your bots.

The API is designed to make heavy use of OCaml's module system to provide a configurable template for creating new bots, with optional higher-level representations of features such as commands, chat events, or inline responses. All bots are created as modules, by instantiating the Telegram.Api.Mk functor, which will generate a module for using your bot directly. The direct commands can be accessed as members of the module, with the API's methods in snake_case with ~named arguments. However, when using the higher-level APIs (for the inline responses, chat events, or commands), it may be useful to reuse the same command generically across different bots. As a result, the commands/inline response functions are expected to return values of the Telegram.Api.Command.action. Using this type, the command is represented as an abstract data type. These commands are named in CamelCase, but they are equivalent to those directly accessible through the module. Note that the arguments are not named, so read the official documentation or the type signatures of the equivalent functions in order to understand what each argument represents.

If you need to get around the restrictions of using the action type to encode the responses, you can use the peek_update function to view the update before it's removed from the queue and process it manually. Note that the Telegram.Api.Command module provides convenience functions for helping you parse incoming commands manually if necessary.


Full OCamldoc-generated documentation is available here.

Getting Started:

Send "Hello, world" message

module MyBot = Telegram.Api.Mk (struct
  include Telegram.BotDefaults
  let token = [%blob "../bot.token"]

Lwt_main.run begin
  MyBot.send_message ~chat_id:(int_of_string [%blob "../chat.id"])
                     ~text:"Hello, world"

Note that this example loads the files "chat.id" and "bot.token" from the surrounding directory to use as the chat_id and token.

Demos, examples, and users:

hello world - Send "Hello, world" to a chat

example - Responds to /say_hi, tests getting user profile pictures

inline - Inline bot test

greet - Chat event test

glgbot - Some groupchat utilities: saved quotes, correcting messages, music jukebox, cute cat pics, and more

telegraml-dashboard - Tool for auto-generating web dashboards for your bots


If you're using TelegraML and you'd like your bot/extension/tutorial listed here, feel free to open a PR to list it here with a link and a short description.

API Status:

What works?

  • File uploading
  • Inline replies
  • Custom keyboards
  • All of the data types
  • Most of the methods (everything but set_webhook)

What doesn't?

  • No webhooks

Extra features:

  • Modular interface makes writing extensions simple (see telegraml-dashboard)
  • High-level interface for commands (Telegram.Api.BOT.commands : Telegram.Api.Command.command list)
    • Tons of convenience functions for parsing commands, etc.
    • Can exclude commands meant for other bots (Telegram.Api.BOT.command_postfix : string option)
    • Admin-only command authorization (Telegram.Api.Command.with_auth : command:Telegram.Api.Command.command -> Telegram.Api.Command.action)
    • Global command enabling/disabling
    • Combinators for composing complex actions sequences (/>, etc.)
  • High-level chat event handling (Telegram.Api.BOT.new_chat_member : Telegram.Api.Chat.chat -> Telegram.Api.User.user -> Telegram.Api.Command.action, etc.)
  • High-level inline mode bindings (Telegram.Api.BOT.inline : Telegram.Api.InlineQuery.inline_query -> Telegram.Api.Command.action)
  • Default Telegram.Api.TELEGRAM_BOT.run : ?log:bool -> unit -> unit function for easy event loop setup
  • Asynchronous, Lwt-based I/O

Implemented Types:

  • Update
  • User
  • Chat
  • Message
  • MessageEntity
  • PhotoSize
  • Audio
  • Document
  • Sticker
  • Video
  • Voice
  • Contact
  • Location
  • Venue
  • UserProfilePhotos
  • File
  • ReplyKeyboardMarkup
  • KeyboardButton
  • ReplyKeyboardHide
  • InlineKeyboardMarkup
  • InlineKeyboardButton
  • CallbackQuery
  • ForceReply
  • ChatMember
  • InputFile
  • InlineQuery
  • InlineQueryResult
  • InlineQueryResultArticle
  • InlineQueryResultPhoto
  • InlineQueryResultGif
  • InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif
  • InlineQueryResultVideo
  • InlineQueryResultAudio
  • InlineQueryResultVoice
  • InlineQueryResultDocument
  • InlineQueryResultLocation
  • InlineQueryResultVenue
  • InlineQueryResultContact
  • InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto
  • InlineQueryResultCachedGif
  • InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif
  • InlineQueryResultCachedSticker
  • InlineQueryResultCachedDocument
  • InlineQueryResultCachedVideo
  • InlineQueryResultCachedVoice
  • InlineQueryResultCachedAudio
  • InputMessageContent
  • InputTextMessageContent
  • InputLocationMessageContent
  • InputVenueMessageContent
  • InputContactMessageContent
  • ChosenInlineResult

Implemented methods:

  • getMe
  • sendMessage
  • forwardMessage
  • sendPhoto
  • sendAudio
  • sendDocument (uses only mime-type text/plain)
  • sendSticker
  • sendVideo
  • sendVoice
  • sendLocation
  • sendVenue
  • sendContact
  • getUserProfilePhotos
  • getFile
  • kickChatMember
  • leaveChat
  • unbanChatMember
  • getChat
  • getChatAdministrators
  • getChatMembersCount
  • getChatMember
  • sendChatAction
  • getUpdates
  • answerCallbackQuery
  • editMessageText
  • editMessageCaption
  • editMessageReplyMarkup
  • answerInlineQuery