Welcome to the memory game. I slightly changed the requirements to make it more interesting and game like.
You select either 4, 8 or 12 cards. When you click start the game begins. Instead of a single rounds you have 10. Each round your score gets increased based on amount correct. Each round is on a timer depending on how many cards there are. (4 => 5s, 8 => 10s, 12 => 15s). When you've done all rounds you will get your result with corresponding feedback. You also get the option to save it to the scoreboard using your own alias.
/* => React
/api/* => Fastify
Added CI (Github Actions) for pushing different docker builds using buildx. This is because I want arm/v7 architecture for hosting.
Added /manifests files for the kubernetes environment it will live in.
I use React Router for client-side routes. I don't want it all to be on one url. I want people to be able to link to for example the scoreboard.
I use Ant Design as UI Library. It is a very mature and stable library with in my opinion the best looking components. It has a lot of extensions (eg animations, enterprise, icons), which make it very usefull if you ever want one of those things implemented.
An easily scalable, minimal and fast Node.js Api Framework.
I chose this framework because I only need a few endpoints and this would be the ideal node.js solution for it.
I use it combined with Typescript for a more stable approach. And if I were to extend this api it would be more reliable as it grows. tsconfig.json is also configured with the most strict approach.
I don't use webpack because I don't want to deal with the overhead a simple ts-node-dev server is good enough to be used in development.
I use pino as logger for good and clear development logs and fast/minimal production logs.
I use Sqlite as place for permanent storage. This is because I don't want you to deal with setting up a database. And it is usefull enough for such a simple data structure.
Process/terminal #1
cd client
npm install
npm start
Process/terminal #2
cd server
npm install
npm start
cd client
npm ci --production
npm run build
cd ../server
npm ci --production
npm run build
npm run start:prod
docker build -t memgame
docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 memgame
I'm fairly new to Typescript and have only recently used it by migrating one of my projects back-end to use Typescript. That's mostly why I didn't use it for the client + I didn't want to deal with the overhead due to it being a pretty small project.
I had a lot of fun making this project and saw this as another one of my weekend projects.