DAI-PW4 - Drink Manager

The Drink Manager API is a web service designed for managing a database of drinks. It operates on HTTP port 8080. This API follows the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) pattern, offering endpoints to create, retrieve, update, or delete drinks. You can also place an order. This tool is particularly useful if you need to manage a dynamic drink inventory and order as you would in a bar or restaurant.

So as not to pollute the readme, the API interaction are in the API section, you can also see command used to deploy the server in the Server configuration section and you also find how to configure DNS zone in DNS section.


Package the application or use Package as JAR in your IDE

./mvnw clean package

Create a docker image

docker build -t dai-pw4 .

Create a docker multistage image

docker build -t dai-pw4 -f multistage.Dockerfile .

Build and publish the web application with Docker

Build docker image

docker build -t dai-pw4 .

Tagging the Image

docker tag pw4  ghcr.io/apirakas/pw4

Publish the image on GitHub Container Registry

docker push ghcr.io/apirakas/dai-pw4

Run docker image

docker run --rm -it dai-pw4

Pull image from github directory

docker pull ghcr.io/apirakas/dai-pw4:latest

Group composition and roles for each member

Members Code Documentation Infrastructure Communication Test Presentation
@apirakas x x x
@HumairRomain x x x x
@lucaslattion x x x
@Lyrafll x x x

Little extra

It's not required, but it's always better not to have a vulnerable program, especially if it can be accessed by anyone.

We noticed that javalin had a vulnerability with version 5.6.3 due to a depandancy (CVE-2023-6378), so we're using version 6.0.0 in beta 4.

When we launch a site in https, it's a good idea to check that our server's configuration (which versions of tls, cipher suites, handshake, etc.) is correct. To get a quick answer, we can run a check with the following site Qualys.
