
A lightweight, composable and high performance web service framework for Go.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Gear Build Status Coverage Status License GoDoc

A lightweight, composable and high performance web service framework for Go.


  • Effective and flexible middlewares flow control, create anything by middleware
  • Powerful and smart HTTP error handling
  • Trie base gear.Router, as faster as HttpRouter, support regexp parameters and group routes
  • Integrated timeout context.Context
  • Integrated response content compress
  • Integrated structured logging middleware
  • Integrated request body parser
  • Integrated signed cookies
  • Integrated JSON, JSONP, XML and HTML renderer
  • Integrated CORS, Secure, Favicon and Static middlewares
  • More useful methods on gear.Context to manipulate HTTP Request/Response
  • Run HTTP and gRPC on the same port
  • Completely HTTP/2.0 supported




// package gear
import "github.com/teambition/gear"


  1. Server 底层基于原生 net/http 而不是 fasthttp
  2. 通过 gear.Middleware 中间件模式扩展功能模块
  3. 中间件的单向顺序流程控制和级联流程控制
  4. 功能强大,完美集成 context.Context 的 gear.Context
  5. 集中、智能、可自定义的错误和异常处理
  6. After Hook 和 End Hook 的后置处理
  7. Any interface 无限的 gear.Context 状态扩展能力
  8. 请求数据的解析和验证


  1. 如何从源码自动生成 Swagger v2 的文档?
  2. Go 语言完整的应用项目结构最佳实践是怎样的?




  app := gear.New()

  // Add logging middleware

  // Add router middleware
  router := gear.NewRouter()

  // try:
  router.Get("/hello", func(ctx *gear.Context) error {
    return ctx.HTML(200, "<h1>Hello, Gear!</h1>")

  // try:
  router.Otherwise(func(ctx *gear.Context) error {
    return ctx.JSON(200, map[string]interface{}{
      "Host":    ctx.Host,
      "Method":  ctx.Method,
      "Path":    ctx.Path,
      "URL":     ctx.Req.URL.String(),
      "Headers": ctx.Req.Header,

HTTP2 with Push


package main

import (


// go run example/http2/app.go
// Visit:
func main() {
  const htmlBody = `
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link href="/hello.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <h1>Hello, Gear!</h1>

  const pushBody = `
h1 {
  color: red;

  app := gear.New()


  router := gear.NewRouter()
  router.Get("/", func(ctx *gear.Context) error {
    ctx.Res.Push("/hello.css", &http.PushOptions{Method: "GET"})
    return ctx.HTML(200, htmlBody)
  router.Get("/hello.css", func(ctx *gear.Context) error {
    return ctx.End(200, []byte(pushBody))
  app.Error(app.ListenTLS(":3000", "./testdata/out/test.crt", "./testdata/out/test.key"))

A CMD tool: static server


Install it with go:

go install github.com/teambition/gear/example/staticgo

It is a useful CMD tool that serve your local files as web server (support TLS). You can build osx, linux, windows version with make build.

package main

import (


var (
  address  = flag.String("addr", "", `address to listen on.`)
  path     = flag.String("path", "./", `static files path to serve.`)
  certFile = flag.String("certFile", "", `certFile path, used to create TLS static server.`)
  keyFile  = flag.String("keyFile", "", `keyFile path, used to create TLS static server.`)

func main() {
  app := gear.New()

  app.Use(static.New(static.Options{Root: *path}))

  logging.Println("staticgo v1.1.0, created by https://github.com/teambition/gear")
  logging.Printf("listen: %s, serve: %s\n", *address, *path)

  if *certFile != "" && *keyFile != "" {
    app.Error(app.ListenTLS(*address, *certFile, *keyFile))
  } else {




About Router

gear.Router is a trie base HTTP request handler. Features:

  1. Support named parameter
  2. Support regexp
  3. Support suffix matching
  4. Support multi-router
  5. Support router layer middlewares
  6. Support fixed path automatic redirection
  7. Support trailing slash automatic redirection
  8. Automatic handle 405 Method Not Allowed
  9. Automatic handle 501 Not Implemented
  10. Automatic handle OPTIONS method
  11. Best Performance

The registered path, against which the router matches incoming requests, can contain six types of parameters:

Syntax Description
:name named parameter
:name(regexp) named with regexp parameter
:name+suffix named parameter with suffix matching
:name(regexp)+suffix named with regexp parameter and suffix matching
:name* named with catch-all parameter
::name not named parameter, it is literal :name

Named parameters are dynamic path segments. They match anything until the next '/' or the path end:

Defined: /api/:type/:ID

/api/user/123             matched: type="user", ID="123"
/api/user                 no match
/api/user/123/comments    no match

Named with regexp parameters match anything using regexp until the next '/' or the path end:

Defined: /api/:type/:ID(^\d+$)

/api/user/123             matched: type="user", ID="123"
/api/user                 no match
/api/user/abc             no match
/api/user/123/comments    no match

Named parameters with suffix, such as Google API Design:

Defined: /api/:resource/:ID+:undelete

/api/file/123                     no match
/api/file/123:undelete            matched: resource="file", ID="123"
/api/file/123:undelete/comments   no match

Named with regexp parameters and suffix:

Defined: /api/:resource/:ID(^\d+$)+:cancel

/api/task/123                   no match
/api/task/123:cancel            matched: resource="task", ID="123"
/api/task/abc:cancel            no match

Named with catch-all parameters match anything until the path end, including the directory index (the '/' before the catch-all). Since they match anything until the end, catch-all parameters must always be the final path element.

Defined: /files/:filepath*

/files                           no match
/files/LICENSE                   matched: filepath="LICENSE"
/files/templates/article.html    matched: filepath="templates/article.html"

The value of parameters is saved on the Matched.Params. Retrieve the value of a parameter by name:

type := matched.Params("type")
id   := matched.Params("ID")

More Middlewares

Applications with Gear

  • KPass - a web application to manage password safe.
  • IP Service - a simple IP service.


Gear is licensed under the MIT license. Copyright © 2016-2018 Teambition.