
credit system with loans

Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

--Updates to come -- tracking system to track player transactions for police to use to track stolen cards -- Pin Entering if you choose debit through the till system -- WARNING MADE THE TILL SYSTEM THIS MORNING THE COMMAND PORTION IS TESST AND WORKING I HAVENT TESTED THE TARGETTING BUT IT SHOULD WORK--

EXPORTS -- type = 'card', 'mortgage', or 'auto' player = player id number of the player in question or source if player is running it on himself --server exports['k-credit]:AddScore(citizenid,amount) --adds credit score exports['k-credit]:ReduceScore(citizenid,amount) --reduces credit score exports['k-credit]:MakePayment(type,amount,account) --makes payments
exports['k-credit]:RunCredit(player) --credit check exports['k-credit]:InsertCredit(type,player,account,balance,interest,limit) --insert credit exports['k-credit]:ApplyForCredit(player,type) --insert credit exports['k-credit]:Deposit(ply,job,commission,worth) --deposit funds with commission commision should be percentage of deposit it will auto do the math

CALLBACK 'k-credit:getcards'-- arg = cost-- returns true if you have credit card and enough limit left to cover cost 'k-credit:getdebits'-- arg = cost-- returns true if you have debit card and enough in bank left to cover cost


["creditcard"] = {["name"] = "creditcard", ["label"] = "Credit Card", ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "creditcard.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""}, ["check"] = {["name"] = "check", ["label"] = "Bank Check", ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "check.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},

In qb-inventory app.js around line 562 find this line and start a new line after it

    } else if (itemData.name == "moneybag") {
        $(".item-info-title").html("<p>" + itemData.label + "</p>");
            "<p><strong>Amount of cash: </strong><span>$" +
            itemData.info.cash +
    } else if (itemData.name == "markedbills") {
        $(".item-info-title").html("<p>" + itemData.label + "</p>");
            "<p><strong>Worth: </strong><span>$" +
            itemData.info.worth +

Add this

    } else if (itemData.name == "check") {
        $(".item-info-title").html("<p>" + itemData.label + "</p>");
            "<p><strong>For: </strong><span>" +
            itemData.info.job +
            "</span></p>" +
            "<p><strong>Value : </strong><span>$" +
            itemData.info.worth +
            "</span></p>" +
            "<p><strong>Account#: </strong><span>" +
            itemData.info.loannumber +
    } else if (itemData.name == "creditcard") {
        $(".item-info-title").html("<p>" + itemData.label + "</p>");
            "<p><strong>#: </strong><span>" +
            itemData.info.displaynumber +
            "</span></p>" +
            "<p><strong>CVV: </strong><span>" +
            itemData.info.cvv +

So all together including a few lines below it it should look like this

} else if (itemData.name == "moneybag") { $(".item-info-title").html("

" + itemData.label + "

"); $(".item-info-description").html( "

Amount of cash: $" + itemData.info.cash + "

" ); } else if (itemData.name == "markedbills") { $(".item-info-title").html("

" + itemData.label + "

"); $(".item-info-description").html( "

Worth: $" + itemData.info.worth + "

" ); } else if (itemData.name == "check") { $(".item-info-title").html("

" + itemData.label + "

"); $(".item-info-description").html( "

For: " + itemData.info.job + "

" + "

Value : $" + itemData.info.worth + "

" + "

Account#: $" + itemData.info.loannumber + "

" ); } else if (itemData.name == "creditcard") { $(".item-info-title").html("

" + itemData.label + "

"); $(".item-info-description").html( "

#: " + itemData.info.displaynumber + "

" + "

CVV: " + itemData.info.cvv + "

" + "

Exp: " + itemData.info.exp + "

" ); } else if (itemData.name == "visa" || itemData.name == "mastercard") { $(".item-info-title").html('


') var str = ""+ itemData.info.cardNumber + ""; var res = str.slice(12); var cardNumber = "************" + res; $(".item-info-description").html('

Card Holder: ' + itemData.info.name + '

Citizen ID: ' + itemData.info.citizenid + '

Card Number: ' + cardNumber + '

'); } else if (itemData.name == "labkey") { $(".item-info-title").html("

" + itemData.label + "

"); $(".item-info-description").html("

Lab: " + itemData.info.lab + "

"); } else { $(".item-info-title").html("

" + itemData.label + "

"); $(".item-info-description").html("

" + itemData.description + "

"); }

Next if you want your qb-shops to automatically pull from the credit card if you have no cash and there is a card on you change qb-inventory server around line 1288 you will find the first line replace that part of the event all the way down to where it picks up from where i left off. This also forces players to have a debit card to have shops pull from their bank !!PAY ATTENTION TO ITEM NAMES MAKE SURE THEY ARE THE SAME IN THESE RESOURCES AS THE K_CREDIT RESOURCE OR YOULL BE IN TROUBLE!!

elseif QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(shopType, "_")[1] == "Itemshop" then
		if Player.Functions.RemoveMoney("cash", price, "itemshop-bought-item") then
			if QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(itemData.name, "_")[1] == "weapon" then
				itemData.info.serie = tostring(QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(1) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(4))
			Player.Functions.AddItem(itemData.name, fromAmount, toSlot, itemData.info)
			TriggerClientEvent('qb-shops:client:UpdateShop', src, QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(shopType, "_")[2], itemData, fromAmount)
			TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, itemInfo["label"] .. " bought!", "success")
			TriggerEvent("qb-log:server:CreateLog", "shops", "Shop item bought", "green", "**"..GetPlayerName(src) .. "** bought a " .. itemInfo["label"] .. " for $"..price)
		elseif Player.Functions.GetItemByName('creditcard') ~= nil then
			local item = Player.Functions.GetItemByName('creditcard')
			local charge = exports['k-credit']:ChargeCard(item.info.cardnumber,price)
			if charge then
				if QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(itemData.name, "_")[1] == "weapon" then
					itemData.info.serie = tostring(QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(1) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(4))
				Player.Functions.AddItem(itemData.name, fromAmount, toSlot, itemData.info)
				TriggerClientEvent('qb-shops:client:UpdateShop', src, QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(shopType, "_")[2], itemData, fromAmount)
				TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, itemInfo["label"] .. " bought!", "success")
				TriggerEvent("qb-log:server:CreateLog", "shops", "Shop item bought", "green", "**"..GetPlayerName(src) .. "** bought a " .. itemInfo["label"] .. " for $"..price)
		elseif bankBalance >= price then
			local item1 = Player.Functions.GetItemByName('visa')
			local item2 = Player.Functions.GetItemByName('mastercard')
			if item1 ~=	nil or item2 ~= nil then
				Player.Functions.RemoveMoney("bank", price, "itemshop-bought-item")
				if QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(itemData.name, "_")[1] == "weapon" then
					itemData.info.serie = tostring(QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(1) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(4))
				Player.Functions.AddItem(itemData.name, fromAmount, toSlot, itemData.info)
				TriggerClientEvent('qb-shops:client:UpdateShop', src, QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(shopType, "_")[2], itemData, fromAmount)
				TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, itemInfo["label"] .. " bought!", "success")
				TriggerEvent("qb-log:server:CreateLog", "shops", "Shop item bought", "green", "**"..GetPlayerName(src) .. "** bought a " .. itemInfo["label"] .. " for $"..price)
				TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, "You don't have a debit card..", "error")
		if Player.Functions.RemoveMoney("cash", price, "unknown-itemshop-bought-item") then
			if QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(itemData.name, "_")[1] == "weapon" then
				itemData.info.serie = tostring(QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(1) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(4))
			Player.Functions.AddItem(itemData.name, fromAmount, toSlot, itemData.info)
			TriggerClientEvent('qb-shops:client:UpdateShop', src, QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(shopType, "_")[2], itemData, fromAmount)
			TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, itemInfo["label"] .. " bought!", "success")
			TriggerEvent("qb-log:server:CreateLog", "shops", "Shop item bought", "green", "**"..GetPlayerName(src) .. "** bought a " .. itemInfo["label"] .. " for $"..price)
		elseif Player.Functions.GetItemByName('creditcard') ~= nil then
			local item = Player.Functions.GetItemByName('creditcard')
			local charge = exports['k-credit']:ChargeCard(item.info.cardnumber,price)
			if charge then
				if QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(itemData.name, "_")[1] == "weapon" then
					itemData.info.serie = tostring(QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(1) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(4))
				Player.Functions.AddItem(itemData.name, fromAmount, toSlot, itemData.info)
				TriggerClientEvent('qb-shops:client:UpdateShop', src, QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(shopType, "_")[2], itemData, fromAmount)
				TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, itemInfo["label"] .. " bought!", "success")
				TriggerEvent("qb-log:server:CreateLog", "shops", "Shop item bought", "green", "**"..GetPlayerName(src) .. "** bought a " .. itemInfo["label"] .. " for $"..price)
		elseif bankBalance >= price then
			local item1 = Player.Functions.GetItemByName('visa')
			local item2 = Player.Functions.GetItemByName('mastercard')
			if item1 ~=	nil or item2 ~= nil then
				Player.Functions.RemoveMoney("bank", price, "unknown-itemshop-bought-item")
				if QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(itemData.name, "_")[1] == "weapon" then
					itemData.info.serie = tostring(QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(1) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(2) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomInt(3) .. QBCore.Shared.RandomStr(4))
				Player.Functions.AddItem(itemData.name, fromAmount, toSlot, itemData.info)
				TriggerClientEvent('qb-shops:client:UpdateShop', src, QBCore.Shared.SplitStr(shopType, "_")[2], itemData, fromAmount)
				TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, itemInfo["label"] .. " bought!", "success")
				TriggerEvent("qb-log:server:CreateLog", "shops", "Shop item bought", "green", "**"..GetPlayerName(src) .. "** bought a " .. itemInfo["label"] .. " for $"..price)
				TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, "You don't have a debit card..", "error")