
A Python web app for browsing Disco Elysium conversations in a similar fashion to playing the game.

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Disco Magnesium

+2 Encyclopedia: A great democracy of creatures
+2 Volition: Good morning, Elysium

Disco Magnesium is a Python web app for browsing Disco Elysium conversations in a similar fashion to playing the game.

Note: the Disco Elysium conversation data is not included in this source code.

License: Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal



Disco Magnesium requires Python 3.11 or higher.

You will also need Poetry to install it. Refer to its installation documentation for instructions on how to set it up for your system: https://python-poetry.org/docs/

Finally, you will need to extract the conversation data from Disco Elysium. Instructions on how to do so are beyond the scope of this page.


Once you have installed the requirements and checked out the repository, you will need to install all the Python dependencies:

poetry shell
poetry install

You will also need to add the extracted Disco Elysium dialogue data to data/disco_elysium.json.


You can run a development version of the server with the following command:

python disco_magnesium

For a production deployment, you'll probably want to use the gunicorn deployment by running:


You can use the provided disco-magnesium.service systemd file to register Disco Magnesium as a service that can run in the background and start automatically with your system.

Known Issues

The following issues are known:

  • The branching algorithm is too simplistic. It doesn't handle cases where player outgoing nodes are mixed in with non-player outgoing nodes, nor does it handle recursively constructed menus.
  • The various day times' actual values have not yet been checked.
  • The copotype/political affiliation-checking logic has not been checked.
  • There is no mechanism for advancing thoughts in the thought cabinet - they are always considered to be completed on acquisition.
  • The IsHourBetween Lua function needs to be checked to see how it handles boundaries.
  • Advancing time automatically is not supported. This will not be fixed, in order to keep it convenient to browse through conversations.
  • Variables relating to substance use aren't properly understood yet.
  • The definition of "weird clothing" is unknown.
  • Code that is explicitly marked as needing to fire once doesn't support checking if it has fired before.