
Create your own Sequelize-Template.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Create your own Sequelize-Template.


  1. Create a new local MYSQL database called 'todolist', but don't create any tables.
  2. Notice how there are no config or models folders?
  3. In terminal, run npm i
  4. In terminal, run npm i --save-dev sequelize-cli
  5. In terminal, run npm i -g npx (You'll only have to do this once, ever, on this machine).
  6. In terminal, type in the following commands (hit enter after each):
    1. npx sequelize init:models
    2. npx sequelize init:config
  7. Step 6 should have created a config and a models folder for us. Navigate to the config folder, open config.json, and modify as per instructor's instructions to use .env file.
  8. Navigate to the models folder and create a new file called todo.js. Along with instructor, create a Todo model with columns for "text" (DataTypes.STRING), and "complete" (DataTypes.BOOLEAN).
  9. Navigate to the server.js file and require all of our models by requiring the models folder. Save this to a variable and name it "db".
  10. Sync the models by running db.sequelize.sync() after we start the express server.
  11. In your terminal, run npm run watch. Check MYSQL Workbench to see if a Todos table was created. If so, you were successful. If not, check your terminal for any errors.
  12. Now let's complete the routes/api-routes.js file to make the app work.

Features 💻

  • Sequelize
  • JavaScript
  • Api Routes


  • 📁 .vscode
    • 📄 launch.json
    • 📄 settings.json
  • 📁 config
    • 📄 config.json
  • 📁 models
    • 📄 index.js
    • 📄 todo.js
  • 📁 public
    • 📁 css
      • 📄 style.css
    • 📁 js
      • 📄 view.js
    • 📄 api-routes.js
  • 📄 .DS_Store
  • 📄 .eslintc.js
  • 📄 .gitignore
  • 📄 .jsdoc.json
  • 📄 README.md
  • 📄 package-lock.json
  • 📄 package.json
  • 📄 schema.sql
  • 📄 server.js

🌎 Coming soon!