
emotion training game combined with the classic memory game

Primary LanguageJavaScript


emotion training game combined with the classic memory game I have also created a web version of this game in the classic folder just open the index.html file in the /html/ folder click on the blackboard to begin the game


potentially a face recognition feature with a camera


Print out two sets of game cards on a thicker paper . Cut them out with scissors, taking care of safety Glue the cards to cardboard cards

How to play?

Pick two cards Remember the emotions and where they were if they form a pair score them for yourself and pick another two repeat if you find another match


One to six players can play the game


For a bit of extra fun:

  • tell a story of what happened when you last felt the two emotions
  • act out the emotion you pick
  • combine one of previous player's emotion with one of yours and tell a story why they might be connected,
  • pick one other player who will then have to guess the emotion you mime with your facial expression