
Overheids- en publiekrechtelijke taken geplot op de Artikelnummers Wettelijke bevoegdheden

Primary LanguagePython


Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten Published a list of government activities in 2014 related to their public rights and laws which allow them to use certain data.

This script extracts all tables from a multipage pdf and export to JSON, CSV or TSV and parses the table to a system readable json array.


git clone https://github.com/Lytrix/overheidsactiviteiten_wetten
cd overheidsactiviteiten_wetten
python3 -m venv env
source venv/bin/activate
pip install requirements.txt
python parse_overheidsactiviteiten_pdf_tables.py

This will create a usable json file from the pdf tables.


It uses a java program, which will be automatically downloaded if it is not present in the root directory. If it script fails to do this it can be downloaded here:


To download JAVA, go here:


More information found can be found here:
