
Primary LanguageAutoHotkey

Waifu2x AHK GUI

This is a AutoHotKey script to run a front-end for waifu2x-cpp-converter.


On first run select waifu2x-converter-cpp.exe that you downloaded.

Use the Open button to select one or more files, or drag and drop any files onto the window.

  • Select a single file, and it will generate an output in the same folder with a similar name by default, or you can specify the file to save to using Save As.
  • Select multiple files, specify a directory to output to and an extension to add to the filename of each converted image e.g. "img.jpg" + ext "_scaled" = "img_scaled.png"

Both methods support the placeholders <scale> and <noise> which will be replaced by the current scaling and noise levels.

Nvidia Card Information

The prebuilt version of waifu2x-converter-cpp is made for AMD graphics cards, in order run properly you need to set the correct processor in your command line options. Usually you can just specify --processor 0, but if you want to make sure it runs properly, do the following.

From the command line, run:

waifu-converter-cpp.exe --list-processor

Pick the number from the list that has (OpenCL), and then in the GUI, select Settings,> Command Line Options and enter:

--processor #

Where # is the number of the processor that had OpenCL support.

Command Line Usage

Pass a path to one or more files and the program will open pre-populated with those files. If you need more fine-tuned control, use the options already present in waifu2x-cpp-converter.

If you have command line options to apply to a run in the GUI, use Settings -> Command Line Options to write any flags to apply on each run.



Run the AutoHotKey2exe compiler:

"C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe" /in waifu2x.ahk /out waifu2x.exe /icon compile.ico