
An empty R package, which makes it easy to install some popular R packages

Primary LanguageR


Build Status

Travis-CI Build Status

This is a package which has only one goal. To install most of (if not all) the popular packages in R.

It contains no useful functions.

The packages (all dependencies will also be installed) are in the imports list and not in the depends. This means that they will be downloaded and installed but will not be attached if the package is loaded (why would you load popPack anyway).

How to Install

You need devtools to install this package (install.packages('devtools') from the R console). Then just type on your console:


List of included packages

  • httr
  • jsonlite
  • ggplot2
  • dplyr
  • highcharter
  • data.table
  • caret
  • randomForest
  • sparklyr
  • e1071
  • rmarkdown
  • MASS
  • colf
  • ggvis
  • shiny
  • htmlwidgets
  • lme4
  • reshape2
  • tableHTML
  • stringi
  • tm
  • roxygen2
  • testthat
  • xgboost
  • FNN
  • htmltools
  • revealjs
  • lubridate
  • plotly
  • Matrix
  • car
  • DEoptimR
  • gridExtra
  • microbenchmark
  • xlsx
  • openxlsx
  • rgl
  • tidyr
  • gtable
  • gbm
  • nnet
  • glmnet
  • pROC
  • knitr