
API for sunnah.com

Primary LanguageRAML


HadithAPI leverages a serverless architecture.

Package Structure

├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── api.raml
├── hadith_api
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── app.py
│   ├── chalicelib
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── collections.py
│   │   ├── db.py
│   │   ├── models.py
│   │   ├── rds_config.py
│   │   ├── responder.py
│   │   └── singleton.py
│   └── requirements.txt
├── requirements.txt
└── test
    ├── requirements.txt
    └── unit

Getting started

The HadithAPI uses Chalice to manage the Lambda code. Here, all of the Chalice commands are abstracted with make in order to simplify. It also uses virtualenv to contain all of the installations. Get started with develop by doing the following:

git clone REPO
pip install -r requirements.txt
make develop
source .env/bin/activate

When finished, remember to deactivate the virtualenv.


Assuming you've completed the setup, simply run:

make run

BUT WAIT! Before you can use the API locally, you need to seed the database. The DB is not public, so you'll need to contact a collaborator for access. MySQL server needs to be running locally in order for this step to work.

To get started run:

mysql -u root -p < setup.sql

When prompted for the password, just hit enter.

This completes the basic setup - and you should be able to start the application on localhost:8000.


make run

run an AWS APIGateway-esque instance of the application. This starts a server on port 8000 that's responsive to queries (would recommend using curl).

make lint

Run Flake8 on the code under hadith_api/

make test

Run pytest unit tests and print coverage. It should Ideally be expanded to include integration tests


GET /hadith

Retrieves list of all hadith

GET /hadith/{hadithNumber}

Retrieves list of all hadith by number

GET /books

Retrieves list of all books

GET /books/{bookNumber}

Retrieves book by id

GET /collections

Retrieves list of all collections

GET /collections/{collectionName}

Retrieves a specific collection

GET /collections/{collectionName}/books

Retrieves list of books in a specific collection

GET /collections/{collectionName}/books/{bookNumber}

Retrieves book within specific collection

GET /collections/{collectionName}/books/{bookNumber}/hadiths

Retrieves ahadith for specific book and collection

GET /collections/{collectionName}/books/{bookNumber}/hadiths/{hadithNumber}

Retrieves specific hadith for specific book and collection


  1. Enforce RAML spec
  2. Bootstrap test run to local mysql instance
  3. Implement staging (dev/beta, prod)
  4. Travisci integration
  5. Test deployment
  6. Simplify AWS credential setup
  7. Add diagram
  8. Actually write the README
  9. Add docstrings and comments to code
  10. Add caching to DAO layer
  11. Add integration tests